Chapter 37

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Songs for this chapter:
Wicked games by The Weeknd


My nose burn. My head is spinning. My throat is dry. I think about all this as I pull up my head from the glass coffee table, and relax into the couch. How many lines were there? Who the fuck cares, no ones counting. I laugh at my random thoughts, and try not to focus on the hand that's sliding up my thigh.

My mind is going a thousand miles per hour, and I don't want it ever to stop. Its driving fast, and I'm looking out the window gazing at the messed up stuff that past by just like the trees. There's Harry, but I only see a short glimpse at him since my mind wont stop. There's my mom, but I don't even dare to gaze out the window. There's my dad, but ever time I look out hes still there, with a slight smirk on his face. I close my eyes for a moment, trying to get these stupid thoughts out of my head.

I open them to Khole eyes closed as he kissed me roughly. I didn't object to him kissing me, just let it happen.

"What do you say we take this upstairs" he mumbled against my lips.Ugh. I sat there not really interested. I loved him once, but I don't love for the second time. The fire burned out between us, besides he was never really that good on in bed, just rough. I wonder what Harry's like in bed?

"Come on babe" he moaned. I felt like puking all over his ugly rug at the nickname he used to call me. I shrugged him off of me as I got up from the couch. My legs weren't ready for the sudden action, they felt like noddles as I walked over to his kitchen. I was starving, I wondered did I eat anything while skimming over the items in his fridge. There weren't many options, so I just settled with some left over pizza. I warmed it up, and sat on the counter.

The pizza to me tasted like heaven since I didn't eat all day. I rolled my eyes in the back of my head, moaning at the taste. I kept biting off of it, chewing slowly so it would last long.

"Your so hot Yaz" Khelo moaned coming closer to me. His hands pulled my legs toward him as his body went between them. God could this boy ever take a hint.

"I'm so horny right now" he moaned on my neck. I kept chewing on my pizza to involved with the taste. He started to suck on my neck, and that's when I completely flipped.

"Fucking stop" I pushed at him with one hand.

"Come don't play hard to get" he laughed putting his lips back in the place they were once before.

"I'm not, I'm just not in the fucking mood" I pushed at him so more, his hands were every were on me. I felt as if I couldn't breathe, as my eyes became watery.

"Okay, fine jeez no need to get sentimental" he mumbled. I rolled my eyes at him as I finished my last bite of my pizza.

"There's a party tonight" he changed the subject. I nodded my head telling him to continue.

"You remember Eric and Jane from school" he asked getting out as beer from his fridge.

"Yea, those druggies" I spoke remembering them getting kicked out of school because their drug habits.

"Their throwing a party, wanna come" he asked sipping on his beer, I gestured him to past me one. I opened it before sipping on the disgusting flavor.

"Yea" I swallowed before drinking some more. But I knew in the back of my head this wasn't a good idea.


It's been about two days since I last saw Yazmin, and today is the day I have to babysit her brother. We haven't talked all weekend, I tried calling her. But like usual she never answers.

I woke up this morning irritated, she has been on my mind all night. I put on my clothes and drove to her house. I wasn't surprised when I didn't see her mom's car in the drive through. I walked up the stairs, well like ran. I was eager to see if she was home. Jay opened the door, his hair a mess as he gave me a small smile.

"Hi" he mumbled stepping aside so I could come in. He seemed sad and I wanted to know why.

"What's wrong bud" I asked messing up his hair some more.

"Yaz didn't come home last night" he whispered.

"Don't worry she's probably over some friends house" I tried to reassure him and myself.

"Yea but I could tell something's bothering her" he told me playing with his toy cars.

"What do you mean" I asked turning on the tv.

"I don't know, when she's bothered she's barely hone" he looked up at me. His eyes were glossy in I hoped he wouldn't cry.

"Hey it's okay" I spoke gently.

"Come here" I opened my arms. His small figure snuggled up to me .

"I miss her" he sniffed indicating that he was crying.

"She'll be home soon bud, I just talked to her this mooring" I lied

"Really" he looked up at me wiping his eyes. I nodded my head looking up avoiding his eyes.

"Good" he sniffed some more before getting up to play with his toy cars.

I heard the front door open, I turned my head seeing Yaz walk through. I smiled at her before noticing the state she was in. Her eyes were puffy and she had a smug smile on her face. We made  eye contact and I could tell something was bothering her. She looked away her eyes becoming glossy.

"Yaz is here"  Jay yelled. Yaz flinched do to Jays loud mouth.

"Uh Jay, why don't you watch tv while I talk to your sister" I told him as Yaz started walking up stairs. Jay nodded his head as he turned on the tv. I followed her up stairs noticing her pace slow down.

When we got to her room, that's when she broke down. I shut her door, embracing her with a hug. Her body shook against mine as she breathed heavily. I waited a while until she finally could speak. 

"They have it on camera Harry everyone saw it" she cried.

"Have what on camera Yaz" I asked completely confused. She shook her head in my chest crying some more. I thought a little more until everything clicked, my whole body shook with anger. Seconds later I was running down the stairs.

"Harry were are you going" Yaz asked following me.

"Stay here with your brother, I'll be back" I breathed getting into my car. My mind was set on only one thing when I drove off, those fuckers are going to regret what they did to her.

I'm sorry I haven't posted in over a month, I just have been so busy.  Please don't hate me. I'll be updating the next chapter as soon as I could.

- A R T I E

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