Chapter 17

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I just wanted to start off saying, FREAKING THANKS YOU FOR READING MY STORY!!!. Now that's out the way, some of you might be confused about my story, but just keep reading and let me take care of it, it will be more understanding when I get deeper inside the story:). Okay guys last chapter made me pretty sad because literally NO ONE commented and I wanted to know what you think. So please comment and vote on this chapter. THANKS.

Harry's POV

Hollie layed beside me out of breathe. Her chest still going up and down at a fast paste. Looking at her one last time I got up to put on my boxers. I could hear Hollie mumble something under  her breathe as she pulled the sheets around her naked body.

"Come lay with me" she whined. God this girl is so needy. I looked back at her, which she still layed in my bed.

"Uh.. you need to go" I scratched the back of my neck looking away from her as I walked to my bathroom. I could hear the bed squeak indicating that she was getting out of the bed. I ran some cold water over my face. Looking in the mirror after I was done I saw Hollie still in my damn sheet standing by the door frame looking at me through the mirror. Her blonde hair was a tangled mess, and her mascara was smeared on her cheeks which was wet... is she crying.

"What" I mumbled.

"I just don't get it" she scowled me sniffing.

"What don't you get, we fuck, and you leave" I spoke getting annoyed. All I want is to take a shower, and get this girl out my house.

She laughed sarcastically running her hands threw her tangled hair.

"Why do you even like her she's nothing." she hissed holding and tightening the thin blanket tighter around her body.

I ignored her trying to find a towel in my cabinet.

"She has fucking issues Harry" she spoke. I turned around to look at her over covered make up face.

"What are you getting at Mollie" I groaned as I finally grabbed the towel.

"Its Hollie Harry" she implied.

"Okay are you done" I spoke getting up from my squatting position from finding a towel.

"You know what" she laughed then continued to pester me.

"You'll find out how crazy she really is Harry" she finished. I walked after her confused as ever. What the hell does she mean.

"What are you talking about" I spoke getting more confused by the second.

"You'll see Harry" she answered putting on her pants, then her shirt. Then walked out my room. From down the hall, I heard my front door slam shut knowing that she was out of my house. Sighing I walked out of my bathroom trying to find my phone.

Looking all around my room I found it under... my bed. Okay then. I wanted to see what the boys was up to as I unlocked my phone. But then I saw Yazmin was one of my missed calls?

What the hell why does she continue to play with my emotions. If she doesn't want me why not just let me go. Feeling the adrenaline rush through me I called her. She didn't answer as usually, so I called her again. About my fifth time of calling her I begin to feel a little bit worried. Still no answer on the 8th call. I checked the time which read 11:43 pm, I quickly took a shower, getting out the shower I quickly rushed getting dressed and grabbing my phone as I ran out the door to Yazmin's house.

Running to Yazmins door step out of breathe I knocked on the door. For about 5 minutes waiting for someone to answer I knocked again louder this time. Still no answer. She has to be home. Where else could she be?

I looked up to her window which was slightly open. I feel like a lunatic, but I feel so worried about her. Climbing the tree to her window. I looked inside to see if she was in there. Something told me to look at her bathroom door and when I did I saw light coming from under the door. Feeling a little over to excited. I pushed open her window so I could get in. As I walked in her room I could smell alcohol through the air and Yaz strawberry sent. Hastily walking to her bathroom door I knocked lightly.

"Yaz a-are you in there" I asked aloud. She didn't response this just made me more nervous. God this girl is going to give me a heart attack. 

"Yaz its Harry please open up." I spoke louder, and knocking a little louder also. But still no answer. I know she as to be in here because the light is on and the door is locked. As every minute passed I start to get more anxious.

"Yaz please open the door" I begged. But still no answer. I knocked louder and louder but still no answer. I walked back gaining a couple feet as I ran to the door letting my shoulder hit it. It hurt like an bitch, but i'll do anything to know that Yaz is safe, and alright. My third time running toward the door It finally broke open. Sighing in relief I looked around the bathroom tell my eyes landed on the tub.

There she was looking beautiful as ever. Her hair slightly wet from the water, eyes closed with her cigarette hanging loosely between her index and pointer finger as her arm lay lazily out the tub. I tried my very best not to look at her body as I became closer to her, I respected her, and by looking at her naked gracious lush heavenly body wouldn't help. But something didn't feel right as she just sat there.

I looked away from her pink blushed lips as I looked at her surroundings. An half empty scotch bottle was by the tub and pills splattered on the floor. I begin to panic yet again as I crotched down beside her.

"Yaz" I spoke softly. Touching her check as I moved down to her neck feeling her pulse, that's good sign  I thought over my cloudy mind.

"Yaz why would you do this to your self" I wondered aloud as my eyes glazed over. I mean I'm not a doctor but I know your not supposed to mix alcohol with pills that can end up deadly. Why would she want to kill her self? She  has so much to live for. I held her for a while till I decided that the water was getting a little to cold on her skin.

I carried her limp body to her bed trying my hardest to control my hormones as I held her naked body. Her damp body wetting my shirt as I lay her on the bed. Feeling her pulse once more to tell that she is still alive. I probably should take her to a doctor, but what if they have to see an adult I.D to give her medicine. Then I'll have to call her mum, and she'll be mad at Yazmin causing Yazmin to be mad at me for even calling her in the first place. I just hope she wakes up soon.

I looked through Yazmin's drawers not in a perverted way. I just had to find her something to put on. I grabbed a big shirt and her panties. I blindly put them on her trying to respect her body as she lay unconscious.

After putting her shirt over her head and her arms through the sleeves she was finally dressed. I sighed as I felt her pulse again making sure she was breathing. After about 35 minutes checking her pulse every 30 secs I was feeling sleepy. I layed beside raping  my arms around her waist feeling her breathe on my chest.

"Harry" I heard a soft voice whisper.

Thanks for reading and please comment this time :)

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