Chapter 7

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We finally left out the house. Jay was in his superman cape. I was telling him to take it off, but Harry thought it was funny so he suggested him to keep it on. When we got to the park Jay instantly start running to the slides while me and Harry sat on the bench. It was sort of awkward at first but Harry broke the silence.

"What's your favorite color" Harry asked with a straight face.

"That was random" I laughed covering my mouth. Harry just stared at me in awe. I settled down from laughing and finally spoke.

"I don't have an favorite color" I smirked

"And why not" Harry asked raising his eyebrow.

"I don't know I just don't but I can tell you I don't like pink" I made a disgust face at Harry.

"Fair enough" he said with a little amusement in his voice. I stared at Harry for awhile he was really an handsome boy if I say my self. I looked to see what he was looking at which was Jay eating sand Harry had an entertained smirk on his face.

"Does he do that a lot he seems to enjoy it." Harry laughed turning to look at me I think he noticed I was staring at him. I blushed in embarrassment.

"Umm... huh yeah he does that all the time when we go to the park" I cleared my throat.

" That's a little strange" Harry laughed. This is frustrating me for some reason he's acting like nothing happened in my bathroom. I want to ask him was he going to kiss me but was he going to give me a straight forward answer. But the problem is do I want a straight forward answer would I handle it? I've never really been good at telling what I want and how to put things I just ramble and end saying something stupid. Harry looked at me with a concerned look at his face. I didn't even know I was frowning until Harry said are you okay.

"Yea... I'm just a little tired that's all" I lied

"I know that your lying but its okay I wont push you into saying what you don't want to say" Harry bluntly stated. I was shocked at his bluntness but for some reason I like the way Harry said what's on his mind.

"Hey how about we go out tonight we could go out with a couple of my friends there having a house party." Harry offered.

"Mmm... I don't know"

"Oh come it would be fun you get to meet my friends I'm sure they would adore you" Harry teased

"No its not that my mum said I couldn't go anywhere today considering I got in pretty late last night" I murmured.

"No problem with that I'm a pretty good at persuading if I don't say so myself" Harry smirked that famous smirk of his.

"Don't get to cocky Styles my mum is a handful if she already made up her mind" I cautioned.

"Don't worry I got it all taken care of" Harry smirked.

We got back home I told Jay to go wash up since he had so much sand in his hair, face, clothes everywhere to be exact.

"What time does your mum get home tonight" Harry asked

"She gets home pretty early tonight I think around 8pm since its a Saturday" I replied.

"That's perfect we could stop at my house so I could freshen up and then we'll head to Zayn's house around 9:30 ish" Harry explained.

"What makes you so sure she would say yes" I smirked

"Stop worrying she'll say yes" Harry smiled pushing my arm playfully.

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