Chapter 12

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Zayn pulls away from the hug giving me a half smile, which I Iazily return back.

"Its going to be okay love" He spoke rubbing my back. I nodded my head looking down, I don't know why, but I feel so much lighter now. I haven't told any one how I really felt when my dad left. When he left it was like someone's stabbing my heart repeatedly and when I tell them to stop, they just stab deeper.

It's was slient, just us breathing I felt so safe knowing someone cared about me even if its Zayn that I don't really know. I looked up seeing Zayn hazel brown eyes staring at me, then looked at my lips. He slowly leaned in I could feel his breathing increasing as his head getting closer and closer

"HEY GUYS" Lou jumped up on the bench jumping up in down making me giggle. I looked behind him seeing the others joining us.

"Where have you guys been" Niall asked with his arm around Katie. Oh

"Nothing I've needed a smoke" Zayn spoke looking down.

"Yaz I thought you went to use the bathroom" Liam questioned lifting up his eyebrows

"I wa-

"I saw her on the way and she joined me for a smoke" Zayn interrupted me. I looked at him and he gave me a slight smile.

"Oh okay well lets get goi- Liam spoke before Harry rudely interrupted him.

"What are you guys doing here" Harry ask with his arm around "Its" shoulder. I scowled at the girl while she smirked. What the fuck. The boys all turned around to Harry and said their hi's while. I just sat their looking at "It". You see her name is Hollie and we have been friends since the like 5th grade but in 8th grade she grew boobs and decided she didn't wanted to be friends anymore because I was such a tom boy and she was such well... girly girl. She always tried to flirt with the guys I liked and make my life living hell.

"Hey Yaz" Harry spoke indicating that he was shocked to see me here.

"Harry" I scowl looking between him and Hollie.

"This is Hollie" Harry introduced her

"I know" I looked away trying my hardest to avoid her and him. Hurt shot through me like a bullet why in all people is he with the foe.

"Yaz long time no see" Hollie smiled. But I could clearly tell it was the fakest and shittiest smile in the world. I dodged her hug. Why the fuck is are you trying to hug me.

"Gosh Yaz your still the same" Hollie spoke faking like she was hurt that I didn't want to hug her.

"Your still the same too" I looked at her up and down. She looked so desperate her hideous shirt that cut down so you could see her cleavage and her ugly pink skirt that was way to short for her. She's a hoe.

"So did you guys like the movie" Liam say trying to break the tension.

"Uh yea it was great" Harry smiled but I could tell it was fake. He should feel awkward bringing this skank around me.

"Well we should go" I spoke looking up at Liam. I couldn't stand this anymore I hated being around someone I absolutely despise. Just by looking at her, I get a headache. Liam had a confused look for a second tell I gave him the don't ask question just do it look.

"Um okay see you guys later then" Harry scratched the back of his neck while Hollie just stand there looking like the hoe she is. Gosh I really hate to be mean but she just made me so irritated. If I didn't like someone  everything they do annoy the fuck out of me. The way they blink, the way they walk, including the way they talk, the way their mouths moves when they talk. I know I'm being to dramatic but I honestly don't care that's the way I feel.

Holile gave me another fake smile before walking off with Harry. God I just wanted to rip all that make up off her face. It literally looks like a five year old painted her face and she didn't really care to take it off. Liam turned to me with an confused expression.

"Whats wrong" He asked. I didn't even know I was frowning till I looked up at Liam.

"Nothing I just don't like her" I bluntly stated. Liam looked at little shocked till he finally collected himself.

"Why is it because she's with Harry" Lou smirked. I didn't even know the other boys was watching.

"No.. its not that" I cleared my throat looking down at me shoes. God this is so fucking awkward. Some one kill me now , better yet where's the fucking gun I'll do it.

"Sure" Niall smirked with his arm around Katie. I have to admit their pretty cute together I'll ask her later what's going on with her and Niall.

"We'll lets get going Lou has to meet his griillfrriend" Liam teased. Lou smacked him on the back of the head and ran to the car when he saw Liam running after him. Niall and Katie was ahead of me while Zayn was in the back of me walking to the car. I turned around and saw him kicking rocks with his foot with his hands in his jacket pockets.

"Hey dude" I nudge his arm.

"Hi" he mumbled still kicking rocks.

"Why so salty" I teased. He looked up and I can tell he was about to smile but fought it and looked down again.

"I don't even know... to be honest" He chuckle shaking his head from side to side.I looked up at him he looked sad and lost.

"Why wont you just tell me" I sighed. We were now by the car waiting for Niall and Katie to get in.

"Because you wont get it" He snapped hopping into the car. Well okay then.

"See you guys" Lou smiled from the drivers seat. Liam hit Niall on the back of the head causing Niall to say "oh man what you do that for" Katie giggled following me to my door step as she waved bye to the boys. Once we got in the living room Katie could not get the smile off her face.

"I think your face is gonna get stuck like that" I teased plopping on the couch. Quickly got a pillow thrown at me playfully by Katie who was surprisingly still smiling. God I bet her face hurts.

"Shut up Yaz" Katie laughed sitting down next to me. It was quite for a few seconds tell Katie started laughing her face now red.

"So.. um are you gonna tell me why you are smiling tell your face fall off and laughing like a lunatic" I smirked turing on the T.V, grabbing the Captin Cruch cereal box off the coffee table throwing a couple in my mouth. I looked up at Katie which is still fucking smiling. I raised my eyebrows at her and she just laughed.

"Dude" I spoke with my mouth full hitting her arm.

"What?" she laughed.

"Fucking tell me" I laughed swallowing the cereal flicking through the channels and nearly chocked on my saliva, I missed the marathon of adventure time I shouldn't have never went out.

"I like Niall" Katie blurted out I could tell she was still smiling.

"I know that" I smirked turning my attention off Workaholics to Katie who looked at me like I grew two heads over night.

"WHAT? How do you know that" Katie hit my arm hard.

"First of all ouch" I spoke putting down cereal on the couch "Second of all its obvious Kat, when you guys are making love eyes at each other all day" I laughed taking in Kaite blushed face.

"I really like him Yaz" Katie mumbled barrying her blushed face in side the pillow.

"I know" I spoke looking back at Workaholics. I just wished Harry liked me the way Niall likes you I thought.


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