Chapter 22

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I slam the door to Harry's car as I get out. I hear him sigh as him and Jay follow me up the steps to the house. I am so infuriated with Harry. How the fuck does he know what's good for me? Fucking bastard. I don't need anyone to take care of me, and I certainly don't need his obnoxious ass telling me what to do.

Once I get in the house,I go straight to my room. I don't want to deal with anyone right I just want to be alone. I lay on my bed, letting the warmth embrace me, and I embrace it. My bed is the only one that truly loves me, I think as I roll my face into my pillow smelling the vanilla scent. A few minutes pass as I feel sleep take over me.

"Are you sure about this Yaz" Harry says holding me into his arms. I look down seeing me completely naked. I gasp as I see him in nothing also. What the hell is going on.

"Yes" I say. This has to be a dream I tell myself, he would never want to do something like this with a person like me. But at this very moment I don't care, I want him to make love to me.

He gives my lips small light kisses as he walks me to... his bed. I lay down letting him come on top of me. I close my eyes, and smell his intoxicating scent. Its truly beautiful. As he kisses my neck, I run my fingers through his soft hair, thinking to myself how does he makes it so soft. The smell of his hair gets into my senses, all I smell is green apples and its an amazing scent. I bring his face back to my lips as I kiss him with so much passion I could possibly muster. Harry is such an beautiful person. It almost makes me want to cry. He's in front of me, giving me love, and his undivided attention.

 He breaks the heated kiss. He scans my face, and I scan his. Pink swollen lips that I have caused to look so plump and luscious. His eyes a darker shade of green.His face looks younger, as the pink adore his cheeks. His hair falls around his face as he looks down at me, a smirk forming on his beautiful face, that I love so much. He truly is a beautiful sight.

"What do you want Yaz" He smiles, his dimples going visible as I stare at him in awe.

"You" I shutter as he looks into my eyes.

"All of you" My voice cracks. Why do I even deserve this boy, he is such an stunning person. I could feel a tear fall down my cheek. I smile as he wipes it off, his eyebrows frowning as he stares into my eyes.

"I'm yours" His voice thick with emotion. I see his eyes become glossy as he says these two words that melt my heart. He kisses my lips before adjusting him self at my entrance. I slightly gasp as I feel him slowly push hims-

My senses seem to come back as I hear someone knocking on my bedroom open my eyes, groaning as I wanted to finish the strange dream.

"Come in" I groan as I sit up on my bed. Harry walks in, and I feel my body warm up as he stares at me.

"I just wanted to say sorry for telling you what to do, but that boy really is trouble. I just don't  want you getting hurt" He says all to fast. I mentally smile, he's such a good person.

 I take the hair tie off my wrist, and make the attempt to put my hair in a pony tail. He stares at me the entire time, waiting for me to talk.

"It's fine" I mumble. Relief is all over his face.

"Are you okay Yaz" He asked his eyebrows frowning as he looks over my face. I blush even more remembering the dream. God it was so beautiful I could almost cry just thinking about it. I turn my face from him, looking out my window.

"Umm... yea just a little tired" I lied as I looked back up at him. All I feel is sexually frustrated, his lips are a darker pink when I last saw him, his green eyes are lighter, and his hair, god his hair looks so luscious I just want to run my finger through it as I kiss his full plump lips.Why am I feeling so hormonal today? It must be that time of the month happening, I think as I run my hands through my hair.

"Okay, well if you need anything just call me up. I'll be down stairs with Jay, get some rest okay" He tells me as he walks out my room. I cant help the stupid ass grin that's dancing on my face. He is so caring, how can a person be so caring, and loving, but so got damn sexy at the same time? I don't understand it, and I don't try to as I rest my head back on my pillow, hoping I could finish that dream.

Harry POV

 I walk back down stairs. I know something else was bothering her, but I wasn't going to push it. If she wanted to tell she would have right? Who am I kidding Yaz out of all people, hide her emotions, and feelings. I don't know why she does that though. If she would let out all that anger, and frustration maybe she would be a little happier.

Once I'm down the stairs I look around for Jay, but he is nowhere to be found. I walk back upstairs to his room,but I still don't see a blonde curly head anywhere. Maybe hes outside in the back yard I think as I walk back downstairs. I open the slide door,and call his name, no answer. I begin to get a worried. I should go tell Yaz, but I don't want to bother her. I put on my boots and jacket, and decide to check the park.

I chew on my nails, a habit of mine when I'm nervous once I get to the park. All I see is little kids running around, as there parents sit on benches talking to one another. I search the park head to toe, but I couldn't find jay anywhere. I am a panting mess, I am such an horrible babysitter. Who the hell looses a child. I look around once more. I almost jump in joy once I see Jay sitting under a tree. I begin to walk to him calling his name so he can acknowledge my presence.

"Jay", I spoke gently as I squatted down to him. "Are you okay, bud?"

"No I miss mommy", he cries into his knees. The sight alone breaks my heart. I try to comfort him by patting his back.

"Its going to be alright bud she'll be home soon", I reassure him, I hate seeing kids cry. I'm completely shocked as I feel pull me into a hug. His knees on the grass as he his little arms hug me tight as I squat. His tears soaking my shirt as I let him cry into my shoulder.

I feel his pain, I went through the exact same thing when I was about his age, but mine was with my father being gone, not my mother. I don't know what I got myself into by babysitting this little boy that's in my arms, but I can't get my self out of it, and I won't.



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