Chapter 29

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New character Dylan O'brien as Zodie Woods

Songs for this chapter:

Car Radio by Twenty One Pilots

Tonight You're Perfect by New Politics


I  had such a lovely time with Zodie. At first i didn't know his name, which is a bit stupid to go on a date with him. But during the date I asked him, he said it was Zodie laughing that he forgot to to tell me it.  He took me to a restaurant called Deja Vu, the food was absolutely delicious.

During the date I found myself thinking about Harry. I thought it was selfish of me to even think about him, but I noticed I cant help it, I have completely fallin for him. Which sucks because someone like me doesn't deserve someone like him. But Zodie is way different than Harry. Harry doesn't curse, Zodie will use every curse word there is in just one sentence. He has alot of tattoos, more than Harry. I don't know he's different somehow. When you look at him you could tell that he has been through some shit.

I wouldn't mind being in a relationship with him just because he doesn't seem as innocent as Harry. I could hurt Harry, because he has such a kind heart. Zodie and I will end up probably destroying each other, but hes not the only one that would be hurt, I would to. And for a strange out of the mind reason that doesn't bother me.I am willing to take the hurt and despair, instead having such a beautiful innocent man like Harry to go through that because of me. I couldn't live with myself. Hell, I already cant live with myself now since my brain is all fucked.

After the date he took me home. Outside of my house we sat in the car, him telling me how amazing I am. I nodded my head blushing at how many compliments he gave me tonight. He leaned in giving me a kiss. The kiss felt great. But not the same as Harry, as cliche as it sounds when I kiss Harry my whole world lights up. He gave me one kiss before sitting back on his seat looking at me, fucking testing me to see if I wanted more, and I did. I took off the seat belt coming over to him, and set in his lap. He was fucking sexy, and all the wine I had tonight made me feel sexually frustrated to this tattoo boy that I only known for a couple of hours.

I roughly kissed him, imagining it was Harry's lips I was kissing, and curls I was grabbing into . I shamelessly grinned my his on  his, earring a groan from his mouth. 

"God Yaz" He breathed out kissing my neck. I felt relaxed as I closed my eyes feeling the pleasure that he was giving me, by just kissing my neck. I didn't feel slutty, or like whore. I needed this I haven't had sex in so long, and with Harry walking around my house, with his plump pink lips, and his amazing green eyes. And that body, God took his time on that body. I  was basically sexually frustrated everyday, even when he bothered me, and we argued.

"Back seat" I whispered in Zodie's mouth.

"Yes ma'am" he agreed with me. I got off his lap quickly, and into the back seat. He joined me after a few seconds before getting a condom, from the place in the passenger seat. It bothered me a little that he had condoms in his car.I shook it off as he started kissing my neck, pushing the wrappers from different fast food restaurants, and candy rappers out the way. 

I sat in his lap again, and begin kissing him. His greedy hands groping me every where. It did feel a little overwhelming. I felt uncomfortable for some reason. I moved his hands to my waist, then continuing to kiss him. His hands kept wondering, and the second time I put his hands in my waist he kept them there.

He took off his shirt, before unbuckling his pants. He kissed mouth, his tongue playing with my tongue, as he took off my shirt leaving me in my bra. I felt the cold breeze hit my skin, making me cool down from the alcohol flowing in my bloodstream, making me hot.He begin to kiss my neck, going to my boobs, undoing my shorts with one hand as the other played with my boobs.

The windows became foggy from all our body heat, and heavy breathing.I moaned into the cold air seeing my breathe in the night air of his car.  The condom was slippery as I went down on his length, feeling me up with pleasure. It felt like it was just not feeling up one hole, but the one in my entire body that just made me depressed. I forgot how the perks of sex could make a person feel so good.

Our breathes got louder, and louder tell I came, pulling on his hair, and looking into his eyes, imagining their those beautiful green eyes that I adore so much instead hazel eyes. Wishing it was a deep raspy voice that's moaning my name, instead of a of this voice groaning my name as he comes into the condom.

I get off his lap, pulling up my shorts. I don't know why I weared shorts in this weather, but none of my choices are rational lately so why should this matter. I sat besides a breathless Zodie as I bottomed up my flannel. He gave me a sloppy kiss before pulling up his pants,and put his shirt over his head. I combed my hair down with my hands, making it look a little decent before I come in the house, probably smelling like sex. I hope Harry already left.

"What time is it" I asked. Looking at Zodie as he lit a cigarette, the light brightening his face from the little light that was coming into his car. He pointed to the car radio, which had the time on it.

"Right there" he rolled his eyes. I looked forward feeling a little embarrassed. The time read 12:38 am. I groaned to myself, knowing that I have to climb up to my window.

"See you soon doll" Zodie spoke emotionless before climbing up to the front seat. I said my goodbyes as I got out the car.

I waited till he drove off before climbing up the tree to my window. It was a bit  difficult since I was tipsy from all the wine I consumed tonight. I safely made it to my room, taking a shower. I layed in my bed thinking about a curly head boy, before closing my eyes wishing that his arms were wrapped around me instead of these blankets to keep me warm.


-A  R T I E

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