Chapter 26

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Songs for this chapter:

Over Me by Mike Simmons

Give Me Love by Ed Sheeran

Dreaming With A Broken Heart by John Mayer

Harry POV

I held on to Yaz, afraid on letting her go because of her weak state she is in now. I ran my fingers through her hair trying to calm her down more. I don't know whats got her so upset, but I'm hoping she'll tell me when she is a bit better. I didn't know she felt this way about her self. Now I'm finding things that I didn't even know before. But I need more answers I have to figure this fragile girl out.

The one that can be so tough, and sarcastic, but is probably is at her lowest right now. I feel terribly bad for her. She hates the skin shes in.I believe that's the most worst thing a person can go through because you suppose to like your self, your the main one that really has to live with you.

After a while she her breathing was even, and tears were no longer coming out those beautiful eyes of hers. She looked up at me and smiled. I was a bit confused as to why, but I just smiled back. Even at her worst she is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. She is truly breathtaking. Her cheeks were pink from crying making her nose red. I tried to try off of what was left of her tears with my hand as she sniffed.

"You okay now?" I asked looking at her shiny eyes. She sighed before nodding letting go of me and walking back to her bed. She sat there, then I got the hint to come and join her. I lay ed down on my side as she lied down on hers. It seemed so long ago when I first laid in her bed with her. She moved closer to me.

"I just want to hold you" She whispered wrapping her pale arms around me. I smiled into her hair as she put her head on my chest breathing in my scent. I loved cuddling up with Yaz even if it leaves me confused as hell afterwards. She'll be all nice and cuddly, then the next minute she'll be yelling at me. I shook off those thought's running through my head as I leaned my face in the crook of her neck. I breathed in her angelic scent I couldn't get enough of this girl.

Something about Yaz just makes me go crazy. I feel so relaxed and myself when I am around her. We laid there for what seemed like 2 minutes, but I really know its been about at least 20 or 30 minutes. I like her company, it was so pure and a breathe of fresh air. I just hoped she new I liked her so much that I didn't quite understand it.

"Why Harry, why are you even here" she spoke her mouth muzzled in my chest. Here we go again. The self downing. I shook my head slightly not answering her. I don't need to answer all she needs to know is I am here and not leaving her till I am forced or maybe not even that.

Yazmin POV

I fell asleep in Harry's arms, and that was the best sleep I had in ages. I looked up at Harry, still sleeping. His mouth was agape as his hair fell in his face. I smiled as I pushed his hair out his face. I looked over his face. He is so handsome. Plump pink lips, long eyelashes moving slightly, his jaw line, that had little hair growing on it, proving that he hasn't shaved in the past week. I traced over his lips with my index finger. Feeling the softness of them. He is such an angel.

In that very moment I didn't want to be with him, not because I didn't like him. Fuck I like him so much, and that is the very reason. He is way to perfect, to precious for someone like me to get their dirty hands on. He needs like someone like model, and I am no model. Or a girl that has a plain with her future, just like he does. And to mention not as fucked up as I am. I would be doing him a favor by just not letting him waste,  and get broken hearted.

I got up looking at him one last time before going over to my bathroom. I looked at my self in the mirror seeing such an broken girl. What is wrong me, why cant I just be normal? I hate the skin I am living in, but I guess I just have to deal with it. I sat on the cold tile floor, feeling better because it seem as if I was on fire. I need to think of some other way to get rid of Harry, he just wont seem to go. Not to mention he's my brothers babysitter. Which sucks because Jay seems to be very fond of him so I just cant rid of him. If I have to hurt Harry then that just what I have to do. If I don't that would be selfish of me to let him ruin his life, and be miserable because of me.

My mind stopped running when I heard the bathroom door creak open. I don't know how long I sat in this bathroom, but it must have been for 10 minutes. Harry's curly head popped in the door way. Smiling at me as he entered, closing the door behind him. I didn't want to do this but I have to, and the smile on his face is not helping one bit. He sat on the floor with me hitting my shoulder playfully.

"What are you doing in here" Harry asked putting his knees up to his chest hugging them. I didn't answer him just stared at the blank wall in-front of me.

"Yaz" I could tell he was frowning. Good start for now, now I just have to make him mad, then he'll probably wouldn't want to take my shit anymore.

"So your ignoring me again now" He spoke getting a bit loud. I still sat looking at the wall in-front of us.

"I don't want you here" I spoke not looking at him. I could see Harry on the side of my eye shake his hand in confusion.

"I don't understand, why are you doing this" He asked rubbing his face.

"What don't you fucking understand, are you stupid or something?" I hissed bitterly. This was so hard for me I couldn't even look at him. Then I'll just fall right back in arms.

"I so sick of this back and forth shit with you Yaz, why do you always push me away." Harry shook his head. I knew he was starting to get mad because he don't usually curse. That is another thing about him that was so pure.

"Leave me the fuck alone" I mumbled getting up from my seat. Trying to walk away with out crying. Harry stood up quickly and grabbed my wrist. I hissed from the pain, that was caused there from a small razor in the bottom of my cabinet. Harry didn't notice because he was now upset probably thinking that I hissed because I didn't want him to touch me.

"Why do you do this to me" his voice cracked. I glanced at his broken eyes then quickly looked away to the wall behind him.

"Just take a hint and leave me the fuck alone" I bit back as coldly as I can. God he is making this so hard for me. Why does he have to be like this.

"Look at me" He whispered. I gradually looked up at him, trying my best to give him the coldest look I could muster. He held my hands in his big ones, pleading me with his eyes, for me to change my mind. Why does he want me, I am nothing why cant he see that.

"Yaz-" he begun but I got him off knowing he was going to say something that would make me fall to my knees. I snatched my hands away from his soft tender ones.

"I have a date, and your wasting my time" Iied walking from the bathroom to my room. This could maybe work if I have a boyfriend then he wouldn't want to be with me.

"A date are you fucking serious" He yelled walking behind me.

"Yes I am" I spoke faking like I was looking through my closet for something to wear.

"With who, and don't tell me its that douche bag from the fish store" Harry spoke from behind me. getting irritated by the second.

"And if it is?" I barked from my closet. I spun around seeing his face. It was heart breaking.

"Yaz not him" his voice cracked as he crossed his arms across his chest. I shrugged my shoulder like it was not big deal.

"Go do your job" I mocked him before turning around to look through my clothes.

"Just remember I warned you about him" Harry hissed. He must have walked away because I didn't hear his heavy breathing behind me. I shook my head before sliding down my closet door. A tear came from my eye. I wiped it feeling selfish. This is for him I thought to myself.



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