Chapter 6

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After Harry got done making Jays pancakes he told me a little about himself. I had to admit he is pretty funny.

 Harry continued  talking about when he was in school the teacher always bent down and he always saw his hairy butt crack.

"I mean I'm telling you it was complete torture" Harry groaned trying to hide the smirk that's playing on his lips.

"Dude that's pretty fucked up" I laughed

" So why did you become a babysitter" I asked

"Well i want to go to college soon and my parents cant really pay all of it so I'm helping out" Harry replied

"Oh that's cool"

"Yea so are you going to college" Harry asked. I didn't really know how to answer his question. My mum always wanted me to go to college, but i don't really have any interest in it. Being around snobby stuck up teenagers aren't really my thing.

" Umm... I don't really like college so maybe not" I replied

Harry faced dropped. "Why wouldn't you want to got to college"

"Its just not really my thing" I mumbled getting annoyed.

"You should try it out maybe you'll like it" Harry suggested

"Maybe" I mumbled. Harry was picking with is knuckles from the fight with Khelo. Harry must have punched him really hard because his knuckles look terrible...

"Stop picking with them or they wont heal correctly" I told Harry smacking his hands away.

" Maybe we should go clean that up" I offered

" Okay"  Harry got up from the couch. " Uh.. where do I go" Harry asked looking down at me.

"Follow me" i said. I could feel Harry on my heels as i walk up stairs. I walked into my bathroom grabbing some peroxide and some tissue as he sat on my bathroom counter top.

" Ill put it on" I offered walking between his legs his breathe quickened. He was being awfully quite. He just stared at me while I put the peroxide on his knuckles.

"Does that sting' I asked

Harry shook his head no.

"Dude what wrong with you, your being so quite now" I murmured. I jumped when Harry grabbed the peroxide and tissue out of my hand and put it down on the counter next to him.

Harry put his hand on my cheek looking into my eyes he could tell I was shocked by his actions. After what felt like an eternity Harry finally broke the silence.

"Are you going to go back to that douche of a boyfriend" Harry asked still stroking my cheek.  I was shocked at his bluntness . I couldn't really answer his question I was just so memorized by his touch it was so gentle and angelic  Khelo never made me feel this way before he was just so well... rough.

"N-no" I stammered

"Good" Harry groaned. "If you don't mind me asking what did he do" Harry asked still stroking my cheek.

"What do you mean" I mumbled. I knew exactly what he was talking about i just didn't want to answer his question.

"When he came here today... you said that you don't want his apology" Harry questioned frowning his eyebrows.

"Yesterday we was at a party... he kissed another girl" I mumbled putting my head down trying not to cry. Harry could tell I was about to cry as he tilted my chin up to meet his eyes.

 "You deserve better" Harry murmured.

We stayed like this for a moment that's when he started leaning in. Oh.. my is he going to kiss me.

"Where are you guys" Jay yelled from down stairs.

Harry jumped causing me to jump as well.

" Uh I think we should get down stairs before Jays start wondering what were doing"  I mumbled putting the peroxide back in the cabinet and the tissue in the trash.

"Yea" Harry mumbled awkwardly.

As we walked down stairs we spotted Jay on the couch playing on his DS.

" Hey little men" Harry said trying to get Jays attention.

Jay looked up from his DS. "Hey I was looking for you" Jay said getting up from the couch.

"You want to go to the park" Harry asked Jay

"Yes"  Jay yelled jumping up in down.

"Alright get out of those p-jays then we can go" Harry told Jay. Jay ran up stairs as quickly as he can.

Harry turned around looking at me in the eyes for like the thousands time today.

"Are you going" Harry asked

" Uh.. yea I guess" I mumbled I had nothing better to do my mum said I couldn't go anywhere today. Harry looked shocked my answer.

"O-oh okay umm... let me go use the bathroom right f-fast" Harry stuttered.

I walked upstairs to my room to get dressed. I just put on some leggings and a sweatshirt and converse I brushed my hair and put it in a ponytail . I sat on my bed in there I was alone with my own thoughts. My mind kept going back to what happened in my bathroom.  Was he going to kiss me before Jays interruption, does he like me all theses random thoughts were running through my head. I felt confused because if he was going to kiss me would I have stopped him or would I let it... happen.





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