Chapter 9

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We were all in Niall's car and it was pretty awkward since Harry and Niall was beside me. Zayn and Jay was in the back, Jay was teaching Zayn how to play Mario on his DS and Liam was driving since Niall said that he could drive and Lou was in the passenger seat on his phone. It was pretty silent until Lou screamed.Everyone burst out laughing except...Harry, god he's such a buzz kill.

'Its to quiet in here what's up with you guys. Huh? Why so quiet?" Lou questioned. Harry didn't seem the slightest effected about the awkward tension he just looked out he window. What a little tard.

"Lets play a game" Lou yelled looking back at us.

"Okay what game" Niall says.

"Umm how about I spy" Lou suggested.

"Okay whose first" Niall asked.

"Ill go" Lou beamed

"I spy with my little eye a frown" Lou spoke. Niall looked around and his eyes landed on Harry.

'Harry" Niall tempted.

"You got it" Lou mused.

"Harry what's wrong you didn't even say a word when you got into the car" Lou asked.

'Nothing" Harry mumbled still looking out the window.

"I think its his time of the month" I teased.

Niall, Lou and Liam laughed, Zayn and Jay was to focused on there little game to even know what's going on. Harry glared at me and just kept looking out the window.

"And we are here" Liam says turning off the engine. We all got out the car and started heading for the entrance. Jay started running to the rides. This is going to be a long day.

We got on like mostly every single ride but Jay couldn't go on The Thunder because he was to short.

"Sorry little man" Harry patted Jay on the back.

"You guys could go I'll watch Jay" Zayn offered.

"Its okay Zayn I-"

'Its fine go have fun" Zayn cut Harry off.

"Well if you insist" Harry gave in.

Me, Niall, Harry, Liam, and Lou all started walking to the line it was pretty long. We all started waiting until Lou screamed out selfie. We all smiled to the camera including... Harry. The line went by pretty fast since Lou kept us entertained. Lou and Liam was in the front while Niall and Harry was beside me. The ride started going Niall grabbed my hand signaling he was scared. Harry made a sour face... what's up with him now.

Harry P.O.V

The ride was short, but really scary I hated rollercoasters. During the ride I saw Niall and Yaz holding hands. God why cant he just keep his hands off her its so annoying. They must be a couple or something. We started heading back to Jays, and Yaz house after Jay got his cotton candy. The car ride was silent all I could think about Yaz... am I really falling for her. For the past days she is all I think about. Its like every single thing reminds me of her and its killing me. I was going to tell her how I feel back at the house when I walked up to her room, but I was scared I'll get rejected.

"So how about we order some pizza and chill at your house Yaz" Lou offered breaking my thoughts.

"That will be cool" Yaz smiled. God  I loved her smile. We all got out of the car when we arrived at there house. Me, Zayn, Liam, Jay, and Niall sat on the couch and started playing Call of duty while Lou called the Pizza place, and Yaz went upstairs to change into something comfortable. Moments later Yaz came downstairs wearing some sweat pants and a big shirt that hung off her shoulder, with her hair in a ponytail. Just wearing that she still looked breathe taking. She caught me staring at her and quickly looked away. But I kept my eyes on her, I could tell she was a little bit uncomfortable that I was keep staring but I couldn't help myself she was just so simply perfect without even trying. God I sound like one of those lovesick teenagers.

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