Chapter 21

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Songs for this chapter:

World alone by Lorde

Absolute by The Fray

I sat in Harry's car silent as a mouse. Jay sat in the back seat playing with his D.S. I gradually looked up Harry he was concentrated on the road. Eyebrows frowned, it looked like something was bothering him. I desperately wanted to ask him what is wrong with him, but remained quite in my seat fumbling with my fingers.

I have to admit I felt a little guilty for Jays' goldfish. Quite frankly it was my fault why it died . Jay was at summer camp and I forgot to feed it. But obviously, I wasn't going to tell him that.

Harry pulled up to the fish store. I didn't know what it was called all I know, it was just a bunch of fishes inside. We all got out the car. Jay face was filled with anticipation. I watched as he ran to the store his stupid cape flying with him. I hope to God he breaks out this stage with capes, superhero's, and shit. Harry walked beside me as we followed Jay inside the store. It smelled so fucking bad in this shit hole. Why would someone actually work here. I cant stand this smell, it smells like dead fish. I cover my nose with my sleeve as I walk to Jay.

He's on his knees looking at all the different types of goldfishes at the bottom of the tank. He obnoxiously tabs the tank with his little finger. Harry squats next to him.

"Which one do you want bud." Harry smiles at Jay. I cant help to think to myself Harry would be a great dad one day, he's so good with kids. But I would never admit that to him. I'll just admire from afar. Jay is still tapping on the got damn fish tank as he point to a fish he likes to Harry.

"You know its rude to knock on the damn fish tank, that's why they die"  I lie to Jay as I continue to cover my nose with my sleeve . I just cant stand to see the stupid fishes swimming around in panic as he tab on it. Harry gives me a glare as he continues to talk to Jay.

An employee walks up to us. He looks about me and Harry's age. His Hair is styled up, his employee t-shirt rolled up on the sides. He's fairly handsome. He has brownish hazel eyes, and a smile that will just make your heart melt. Tattoo's cover his arms. I wonder how he got this dam job in the first place with all those tattoos. He smirks down at me, probably noticing I was checking him out. I shamelessly look up at him smiling a bit.

"May I help you guys" the tattoo boy say's to Jay and Harry, but looks at me with hooded eyes. I blush a bit at the way he is staring at me. Pure lust is radiating off  him. And I cant help but say I feel the exact same why.

"Um no I think were just fine" Harry politely says to the tattoo boy I watch shamelessly. He is quite a site to look at.

"Hey kid you might not want to tap on the tank, the fish die" He smirked. I laugh slightly thinking that's the exact thing I said to Jay a few minutes ago. I might actually take a likening into this mysteries tattoo boy.

Jay looks up at him, pulling his fingers from the tank slowly.

"Really" Jay asks.

"Yup" The tattoo boy replies. Harry looks as if he doesn't even like the tattoo boy.

"So which fish are you guys looking for" The tattoo boy looks at me the entire time as he talks to Harry and my brother. I brake eye contact with the mysterious boy as I looked at Harry and Jay. Harry seems to be irritated.

"Umm this goldfish right here. Right Jay?" Harry mumbled looking down at him. Jay nodded excitingly. The tattoo boy nodded while taking the net, and putting it into the tank. I watched as his arm moved around fishing for the goldfish. Lust spread through my entire body I didn't dare to stop it as I bit my lower lip as he looked at me beginning to talk again.

"One, or two"

"How many bud?" Harry asked Jay.

"Two" he jumped up and down.

"Two it is" The tattoo boy smirked once more than digging the fishes out the tank. Once he got up from his squatted position, he put the two little fishes inside the bag, and started walking towards the cash register.

"That would be four dollars and twenty five cents" The tattoo boy spoke eyeing Harry with a slight smirk, it looked like he was mocking him. Harry choose to ignore him has he dug into his pockets. It looked like these too had history just by the way Harry glared at him, and the tattoo boy doing the same.

After Harry paid for the two fishes. Jay carried the small fishes in a plastic bag he eyes them with wide eyes as he smiles. We start to walk out of the smelly fish place, I feel a tug on my arm. Once I turn around the tattoo boy smirks down at me and hands me a piece of paper. I look down at it as I take it out of his hand, and notice that it has 7 digits on it. I look up at him with a small smile. I hear Harry call me name telling me to come on.

"Call me sometime" He says his eyes filled with lust, and mine reflect the same. I nod and follow Harry and Jay out the store. Once we get into the car, Harry has a scowl on his face as he starts the car.

"What did he give you" He mumbles, not meeting my eye contact. I look down at the piece of paper in my hands, putting it in my pocket.

"Nothing" I mumble looking out the window as he drives out the parking lot.

"Seriously, what did he give you" He asks now looking at me, and trying to pay attention to the road as well.

"None of your business" I groan. Why does he even fucking care.

"You need to stay away from him, he's... he's trouble" Harry mumbles looking back at the road. I look back at Jay, he doesn't even seem to notice me and Harry bickering as he still eyes his goldfishes.

"You cant tell me what to do" I protest.

"You'll listen to me if you know whats good for you" Harry eyes on the road, seeming to drop the conversation. When did I ever know what's good for me?

Jeezz  Yaz control your whoremons


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