Chapter 10

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After Harry left I went upstairs and just layed in my bed. He was on my mind and how hard I try I couldn't get him out. Earlier when he came up to my balcony, I know he was going to say I'm sorry and lets just be friends.

But I didn't want to be friends with Harry I want something more. I would have told him that I liked him and I want more, but I was scared I'll rejected, so I just said lets be friends. The look on his face was unreadable so I guess he... agreed. I don't know god I'm such an idiot.

I should have told him how I feel... but I didn't and I cant change that. I got up and went to my bathroom to take a shower. Looking at my self in the mirror I didn't notice I have been crying. I wiped my tears off my face in disgust. I will not cry for a boy who I know doesn't even care about me.

Sighing I looked at my self one last time and stripped off my clothes, stepping into the shower. The water calmed my skin and I felt relaxed. Its just strange how a shower can make me feel so much better about myself.

I stepped out the shower, tried myself off and but on some shorts and a big t-shirt. Laying in my bed I stared at the wall before I let sleep take over me.

Next Moring I had a killer headache. Its hurt so bad that when I lift up my head it hurt. I tried my best to get up and go to my bathroom to get something for my headache

. Finally I reached for my cabinet and grabbed some aspirins. I popped to two pills in my mouth, turning on the tap and bending my head to get some water and my mouth. I finally swallowed the disgusting pills. I grabbed my phone and made my way down stairs.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed the box of my favorite cereal Captain Crunch. I know you might think I weird but I don't like milk I just eat the cereal plan. Sitting back on the couch I turned the T.V on and started flicking through the channels.

Finally stopping at my favorite T.V show Adventure Time. I can't get enough of this show its just so funny. During half of the show my phoned started vibrating. I looked over at it and saw that it was Niall.


"Hey Yaz what's up"

"Oh nothing just watching adventure time'

"Cool I was wondering would you want to got to the movies with us". What do I say I don't want to see Harry right now. It will just be awkward.

"Oh I don't know Niall"

"Oh come on it'll be fun"

"Who will all be there". Its was silent for a few moments until he finally spoke.

"Just Liam, Lou, and Zayn" Niall spoke.

"You guys sure spend a lot of time together don't you" I asked.

'Yea kind of" Niall chuckled.

"So where's Harry" I asked my curiosity taking over me.

"I don't know isn't he babysitting Jay"

"Nope Jay has soccer practice this week" I told Niall getting my attention back on Adventure Time.

"Well he must still be at his house what time is it" Niall asked.

"Time for you to get a watch" I laughed through the phone.

'Ha ha ha very funny" Niall spoke you could tell he was being sarcastic.

"Its 11:20" I told Niall glancing at the clock.

"Oh okay so is it a yes"

"Is what a yes" I asked

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