Chapter 18

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Songs for this chapter:

The 1975- sex

Daughter- Candles

Daughter - Smother

I thought it was a figment of my imagination as I heard the voice again. I looked down seeing Yaz eyes slightly open as she gave me a small smirk.

"Your up" I spoke sounding little to overjoyed then I probably should be, I'm still mad at her.

"Your here" She whispered only for I can hear, but it was just the two of us.

"Why are we whispering" I whispered back causing her to laugh slightly.

"Why did you come" her eyes glazed over mine then looked away. She looked down seeing how close our bodies are. I had my hand around her waist as we both lay on our side her hands on my chest. She looked back up at me her cheeks flushed. I watched in awe as she looked back down as I begin to speak she backed away from me.

"You called me?" I questioned trying to meet her eyes. but she kept looking away. She got up off the bed, the big shirt falling off her shoulder as she pulled it back up.

"You need to leave" She slurred rubbing her nose as she looked down at me.

"Wait. What? Why" I'm so confused.

"You need to go" She pointed to her bedroom door.

'I saved your life Yaz, why are you treating me like this " I asked my voice cracking. She didn't answer as she just fumbled with her fingers.

"Hello" Still no answer.

"Yaz" I spoke again.

"Why Harry" her eyes glossy as she wiped her nose with her sleeves

"Why would you do that "She quietly asked. I didn't know what to say.

"Why wouldn't I " I asked as she looked down again. She started to laugh. Which confused me even more.

"Cant you see" She continued to laugh as she ran her fingers through her hair. I noticed that's a thing she does when she's nervous.

"Yaz what are you are you talking about" She paced around the room still running her hands through her hair.

"Im nothing Harry why do you continue to come around me" She yelled pulling at her hair.

"Yaz calm down" I got up off the bed going over to her. My height towering over her small frame. She looked up at me in I watched in awe as her cheeks translated into a light pink causing her to look younger and pure. Innocent that's what she is. Innocent.

"Why" Her voice cracked as she continued to scan my face, eyes, lips, nose, souls body and all. Me. She was staring right through me.

"Why what" My voice probably sounded more worse than hers.  I was in a trance. Her presence alone couldn't be bearable.

"Why do you look at me like that" her voice hoarse.

"Like what" I asked her green big eyes staring back at my green ones.

"Like I'm important, like you care" Her voice cracked. I hate to hear her like this. Broken.

"Because I do care" I really do more than I probably should.

"God, Harry you just say shit like that to me" She raked her hand through her hair biting her bottom lip, almost as if she was going to cry. I looked away from her glossy eyes. I really couldn't stand to see her cry. It was heartbreaking.

"Why Yaz, why do you feel like your not good enough to be loved?" I gazed my hand over her cheek causing her eyes to dilate in size. She backed away from my hand. My hand dropped to my sides. Hurt. That's what I was feeling this second. Hurt that she didn't want to feel my touch as much as I wanted my hands on her soft delicate skin.

"Just go Harry" She pushed at my chest.

"Why do you always push people away" I grabbed her wrist that was still pushing at my chest. She started to cry still struggling to push as my chest, but my grip on her wrist got stronger.

"Stop fighting it Yaz let me in" I raised my voice she kept struggling to get out my grip but I wouldn't let her go she needs to feel loved. She needs to be loved. And I will give it to her. She continued to cry as she struggled to be free from my grip.

I didn't know how to calm her down so I did what first came to my mind, I kissed her. Selfishly taking her whimpers her sobs  as I kissed her with so much passion I had in me. I felt as if I would stop she would disappear in small flakes. I held her body so tight that I could feel her heartbeat inside my own. Her hands on my chest felt warm making my whole body tingle. God what was this girl doing to me.

She pulled away from the kiss resting her head on my forehead. Our heavy breathing is all I hear that's echoing the room we stand in. 

"Why did you kiss me" Her voice still hoarse as she looked up at me.

"I really like you Yaz" She shook her head backing away from me.

"You cant like me I'm damaged" Her eyes becoming glossy as she kept shaking her head.

"Yaz stop bringing you self down" I touched her cheek. She gently brought my hand down dropping it to my side.

"Harry just go don't make this harder on me then it all ready is.... please" Her voice cracked as a tear fell down on her soft cheek. I brought my hand to her cheek and wiped away her tear. I kept my hand on her cheek which this time she did not take off.

"Please Harry just go" More tears fell down on her beautiful face which I wiped away constantly.

"I'll leave you alone Yaz if you tell me that you don't have any feelings for me "I stoked her cheeks as she was in deep thought.

"I don't "She whispered  looking down. I felt as if my heart went to the bottom of my stomach. I looked in her eyes looking for any signs that she might be lying to me, but all I can see behind her greens eyes were coldness.

"Bye Yaz" I walked out her room picking up the pieces of me that were left on the floor.

Thanks for 11,000 reads guys I LOVE YOU SO FREAKING MUCH please comment and vote thanks :*

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