Chapter 35

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Songs for this chapter:

Clarity by Zed

Budapest by George Ezra


"Well what do you think, shes hiding from me" I frowned, weirdly wanting to know his opinion. Harry sighed shrugging his shoulders.  I figured he didn't really know since he had this look of confusion.

"That's something you should ask your mum about" he breathed out looking at me. I shook my head, how the hell am I suppose to go to her,   oh hey mum why were you putting things in my food. I cant, that just sounds stupid. This whole situation is ridiculous and stupid. 

I nodded my head not really wanting to talk about this anymore, but strangely curious. The room was silent until Harry had to break it.

"Its probably not even a big deal, maybe it was medicine or something" He shrugged.  It probably isn't, but I just have a bad feeling about it.

"Were you always depressed as a child" he asked, seeming uncomfortable. I copied his actions and shrugged my shoulders. Now that I think about it I was not depressed as a child, I was actually happy. Well that is.. before he left.

"Not before my dad left"  I spoke my thoughts out loud.  Harry frowned his eyebrows trying to put a puzzle together. But what he felt to realize there were no pieces.

"So you became depressed after he left" he asked looking at me with confusion.

"No when I got into middle school that's were I became depressed" I expressed to him. This conversation is not something I'm comfortable talking about. But with Harry its alright, hes not pressuring me.

"Were you sick as a child" he questioned with big eyes. I noticed that about him, his eyes gets really big when hes curious about something, and weirdly they barely blink.

"No, I was pretty healthy" I frowned, now this is starting not to make sense what could she be possibly be hiding from me. 

I rubbed my temples already feeling a head ache. Harry scooted closer to me and rapped his arms around my waist. I was slightly surprised with his random acts of affection, but I didn't dare move. I needed that and he understood without me having to express a word to him

I moved closer to him while I put my head on his lap. I felt his hands run through my hair feeling the dampness from the shower. There were no words exchanged, it just stayed silent.  But the silence is good for me. I been stressed for a awhile lately. 

When I woke up I noticed I was in Harry's bed, his arms were around me in a sloth like action, and I couldn't help to slightly giggle at his cuteness. I turned my body to face his. I shamelessly watched him sleep. His face seemed softer, and gentle when his mind isn't racing. Just still and quiet, and I couldn't help but to think that I enjoyed this peaceful Harry more. I wonder if I looked like that when I sleep, no worries at all, just drifting away into my dreams. Maybe not, I have to much stuff that I think about on a daily basis to ever look this peaceful.

I sighed trying to distinguish my random thoughts and try to focus on the handsome face in-front of me. I ran my fingers through his hair, feeling the softness of it. His hair was really long, and I didn't want him to ever cut it. My fingers found their way around his face, and to his sharp jawline. I cupped it as my thumb ran over his soft lips. I was so memorized by them that I didn't even know Harry was awake. I felt his lips smile on my thumb. I looked up sheepishly slightly embarrassed that I have been got.

"Well that's a lovely way to wake up" He grinned. I took my hand off his face, trying not to show to much redness in my cheeks, but I knew that I was blushing like crazy.

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