Chapter 28

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Songs for this chapter:

M.O.N.E.Y by The 1975

White Teeth Teens by Lorde

Bloodstream by Stateless


I layed on the couch looking up at the ceiling. I always regret having sex with Holly for some reason. I wish that it was Yaz laying next to me. I felt her kiss my chest as she laid on my shoulder. I didn't notice her talking tell she repeated my name.

"Harry did you hear me" Her over to squeaky voice rang in my ears. I looked down at the thin sheet that was covering out bodies as we laid on the couch. Her hand gripping my member through the sheet.

"What" I murmured frowning my eyebrows.

"I said ready for round two" the blonde chirped. I groaned lifting up so she get the hint to get off me.

"I guess that's a no" she chuckled. I rubbed my face, my headache forming from being around her for the last hour. I sat up looking around her house. It was nice, but Yaz house was better. I don't know why I am keep comparing them with each other. Yaz is nothing like Holly. Yaz voice is sexier, Holly voice is annoying, Yaz hair is soft without her even trying, Holly hair is soft, but I bet she uses so many unnecessary products to get it that way. Yaz skin is delicate, and soft, Holly skin is soft but not like Yaz. Yaz  has natural beauty, Holly well, she just uses make up.

I didn't notice Holly getting off the couch, until I heard water running in the kitchen.

"Want something to drink" yelled. Her voice was even more annoying when it was louder.

"Yea" I replied as I started to put my clothes back on. I only got my pants on when Holly came back in the living room with two classes of water. I took it out her hand lowly thanking her.I put it to my mouth. I saw Holly looking down at me as I drank.

"What" I furrowed my eyebrows. I looked at the drink wondering what she did to it.

"You just have really nice lips, don't worry I didn't put anything in it" she smiled and sat down next to me. My headache begin to get worse as I breathed in her perfume. It was way to much.

"Do you have any aspirin's" I grunted. She nodded her head before getting up. I pulled my shirt over my head. I got up to find my shoes since they weren't around the couch. I found them by the TV. I quickly slipped them on my feet, trying my best to get out of here. Holly walked down the stairs with a bottle of aspirins in her hand.

"Leaving so soon" she coaxed as she walked up to me.

"Thanks". I took the bottle from her pouring two in my hand. I walked around her to get the water from the coffee table. I drank the water, drowning the two pills as I swallowed them. I looked at her as she sat on the couch patting the seat beside her. I mentally shook my head, but I walked over to her and sat down.

"Are you still babysitting that psychos brother" Holly chuckled. I frowned my eyebrows for a second because I didn't know what she was talking about, then when I saw her laughing I knew she was talking about Yazmin.

"Don't call her that" I protested. She was still laughing.I didn't find it funny. Anger was building up in me, and I just wanted to storm out of here before I do something like my father would. I would never be him I thought to myself. Holly looked over at me when she was done laughing.

"Awww does Harry care about the psycho" the obnoxious blonde cooed. I started to get up off the couch tired of her shit, besides I been around her too long, I forgot how annoying she can be.

"You know she is actually a psycho Harry" Holly implied. I stopped and turned around, her eyes lower challenging me.

"No shes not" I groaned.

"Yes she is, shes bipolar, she even takes pills for it" she exclaimed. I shook my head frustrated what she was saying. Its not true. Yaz would have told me. Right?

"That girl has fucking problems" she continued.

"How do you know all this" I runned my hands through my hair.

"I was her friend since like the 5th grade" she sat down drinking her water. She looked up at me, basically telling me to sit again. I didn't want to sit, but now she had my attention, and she knew it. I sat down waiting for her to continue. She licked her lips seductively, but it just wasn't sexy to me, my mind was on Yaz at the moment. Even if it wasn't ,Yaz does it without noticing, and it extremely sexy. She moved in her spot to make herself more comfortable, and I started to become a bit anxious, at how long she was taking to continue.

"Okay, so we were like pretty close as kids, she was always depressed as a child" She rolled her eyes before continuing. Shes such a bitch, after this I am never having anymore sex with her after this, I thought to myself as I she continued to talk like she didn't care about Yaz.

"I started going to Yaz house in the 5th grade because my parents had to work, so I stayed over her house till like 8 after school."

"Anyways her mom made us little sandwiches in lemonade, and cooked us dinner. One day I noticed her mom putting like these pills in her drink, and she crushed them up, and then put them in her sandwich as well. I curious, so later when we had our dinner I looked , and see if she does it to her dinner, and she did." Holly ranted. I nodded my head waiting for her to continue.

"After that day I kept looking to see if she does, which was everyday. Then one she caught looking, and I said to her what are those pills for, and she just said it helps her forget bad things. So I just left it as that." Holly breathed out.

"That's it" I asked still wanting her to continue. She shook her head then began to speak again.

"When we were at school, I think we were in like the 7th grade, I saw her in the bathroom taking pills I asked what are those for, and she said she takes them because shes bipolar." She disclosed.

"Wait but what were the pills her mom was giving her" I asked, it just wasn't making sense. Holly shrugged her shoulders.

"Her mom stopped putting the pills in her food when she was in the eighth grade"


"I don't know" she guessed. Something wasn't adding up.

"Did you ask her did she know why her mom was putting it in her food" I questioned.

"No I never asked her that" Holly shrugged her shoulders like it was no big deal. I didn't know what to think about all of this. Why was her mom doing that. I got up and put my jacket on.

"Your leaving" Holly stated the obvious.

"Yea" I rolled my eyes at her. She walked me to the door. I opened it before walking out, hearing Holly saying her good byes. I got in my car still confused. What was Yazmin Mom hiding from her?



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