Chapter 27

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Songs for this chapter:

 Into by The xx

Sweet Disposition  by The Temper Trap

Pressure by The 1975

I'm Not The Only One by Sam Smith (why is this song so good)

Eyes on Fire by Blue Foundation

We just started to get along again, and this happens. I don't know how to feel about this. She says something cruel, then I get mad, or I say something cruel then she gets mad. Its a never ending cycle. But, this time its clearly her. She doesn't want me. I thought we had some type of connection. Clearly I was wrong.

I walk down stairs, and into the living room. I saw Jay sitting on couch, so I decided to join him. When I sat down beside him he didn't even look, just sat there watching his cartoons. I sighed in fell back into the couch, enjoying the silence. I tried to relax a bit, but I am just so frustrated with Yaz I cant even think straight.

"Don't worry she always gets like this" Jay spoke. I looked at him but he just continued to stare at the TV.

"What do you mean" I asked. I can tell he have been crying because of his red puffy eyes.

He shrugged his shoulders. "Shes been like that ever since our dad left" he murmured.

I nodded my head trying to understand. But, the harder I tried, it just didn't make since. I didn't want to ask any questions, then I'll seem nosy.  Jay sniffed, and rubbed his eyes as he continued to stare at TV. I knew he wasn't watching it, something was on his mind. I felt bad for him for some reason. He shouldn't have to see his sister like that.

"You okay bud" I playfully shoved his shoulder, but his just stood still.

"I wonder why he left us" He spoke again. He turned his eyes to meet mine. He looked so sad, and confused. I didn't know what to say, because I didn't know they dad left them till this moment.

"Did you ever ask your mom" I murmured. Jay just looked back at the TV shaking his head.

"All she told me was he did something bad, and not to worry " He mumbled. His tone was so tired, but not the sleepy tired. I didn't know what to do so I just hugged him.

"I don't know anything about him" Jay cried. 

"I know how it feels for a person you love to walk out your life" I spoke while hugged him, His little arms wrapping around me tightly. About 10 minutes have passed,and Jay body became limp in my arms. I look down and he had falling asleep. I guess he cried himself to sleep. My heart ached at the thought.

I gently tried to carry Jay to his room with out waking him up. I lad him down, and tucked him in. I looked at the clock in his room. 9:37 p.m it read. Its been such a long day. I sighed to myself as started  walking down the stairs. I looked around the living room,and saw Yaz sitting on the couch, with her head in her hands. I was a bit confused, but then I looked at her appearance. She had shorts on,and a black tank top with a big black and red flannel on.

She turned around before I can even speak. Her eyes looked sad, and lost. I wanted to ask her what was wrong, but I decided to ignore it. If she doesn't care, so do I.

"Hey" she gently smiled. I was so confused as to way she is even talking to me. I walked over to the other couch, and sat down looking at the TV.

"I thought you had a little date" I bitterly spoke, my gaze still on the TV. On the side of my eyes I saw her run her hands through her hair, a sign that's she getting frustrated. But I honestly don't know why. She chose to do this to us.

 I didn't look at her when she started to speak. I know it was making her irritated by the way she sounded.

"I do, he said hes gonna pick me up" She sighed. I wanted to tell her not to go with him, any one else but him. But I know she wouldn't listen. It would just be a waste of time. A waste of breathe.

He isn't the type to take a girl on a date just to be kind. He would want something more. I know because I was his friend freshman year, and sophomore year. He was such a prick. I don't even know why I was his friend for 2 years. Zayn, Niall, Liam, and Lou didn't like him, but I thought I'll give him a chance.

He picks with girls, destroy every ounce of them till their nothing.  I have respect for women, that's why I stopped being friend with him. I thought about his girlfriend he was with the last time I was friends with him. Stacy, she was so innocent, she didn't deserve what he did to her.

A knock on the door brought me out my thoughts. I let my eyes gaze at Yaz as she went to open the door. I looked past her figure, and to the piece of shit that she was looking at. He caught my gaze, and smirked. I rolled my eyes looking back at the TV.

"I'm gonna go now" Yaz called after me. I didn't reply as I browsed through the channels. I heard her sigh telling the piece of shit to come on.

I waited till  her mom got home to leave. Her mom came 30 minutes after Yaz left. She said her thank yous, and I shortly left after. Not in the mood to have conversations with any one. One I got to my car I checked my phone, and I had 3 missed calls from Holly, and 2 unread messages. I vaguely opened the messages. She wanted me to come over. I shrugged as I threw my phone on the passenger seat, and decided why not I could use a distraction, from all the thoughts in my head worrying about Yaz.

The drive to Holly house, makes me relax a bit, but I am dreading about being around her. I cant stand to be even 2 hours with her. But she's a distraction, yeah I do feel a tiny bit bad for using Holly the way I do, but she I know she uses me to. And that's alright with me. Besides why do I have to respect a girl that doesn't even respect her self. But we are alike in some way, which makes me cringe at the thought. We use sex as an escape of what ever is going on in our life's.

I park in the drive way of her house. Her parents are never home. So I don't have to worry about getting caught. I knocked on her door. Literally 30 seconds passed and she was at the door. She smiled at me with her silky house coat on.

"I knew you'll come" She smirked pulling me in. Once I was in her house she was on me in seconds. I tried to get myself into it,but it wasn't working. She grinded herself on me as I lay on the couch, her on top of me. I pushed her shoulders a bit, reminding her not to kiss me. She giggled like it was no big deal, and started kissing my neck I closed my eyes taking in the pleasure she was causing. She undid my pants getting on her knees. I set up on the couch, and let her warm mouth take my thoughts away from reality.

oh Harreh

- A R T I E

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