Chapter 20

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Songs for this chapter:

Parachute : She Is Love

The Script : The Man Who Can't Be Moved


"Yaz" I hear the voice again.

"Yaz" I think I heard my mum say my name. I turned over feeling someone tap my shoulder.

"What" I angrily say wiping the sleep from my eyes as I stare up at my mother with her long skirt, blazer, and high hills on. Her perfume was given me a goddamn headache. Its way to early to be smelling that shit.

"Its time for you to get up Jonathan's mum is dropping off Jay in about thirty minutes." She says.

 I can not stand Jonathan's mum she always scowled me for wearing my pajamas when I answer the door, she complains to me that I don't know what to do with my life because its 1:27  in the afternoon and I still have my pj's on, then I pretend that I'm listening nodding my head with her annoying ass voice telling me what I should be doing with my life.

 "And the babysitter should be on his way any minute now." She checks her wrist watch as she continues to nag.

 "Get up and put some clothes on" She says looking down at my pajama's, which was just a big t shirt and my underwear.

"Why do I have to get up just leave the door unlocked so they can come in" I mumble throwing the covers over my head. I am so fucking tired. I hear my mum speak again causing me to groan with annoyance. Why is she still in my room, and why in the devil is she still talking?

"That isn't very polite Yazmin now get up I'm going to be late to work" She pesters me as she walks out of my room leaving her strong obnoxious perfume smell lingering in my room. I groan once more getting out my bed and going to the bathroom. I brush my teeth lazily as I stare at the mirror my puffy sleepy eyes staring back at me. Once I'm done I splash water on my face. I decided just to leave on what I am wearing and put some sweats on just to annoy Jonathan's mum. I don't know her name, but I don't really care she's irrelevant anyway.

I stomp down the stairs just because I can. Walking into the kitchen I make some toast and tea. Once I sit on the couch with my food the door bell rings. I walk to the door, opening it slowly I see Jonathan's mum scowling me with her hand on Jay's shoulder.

"Well your here early" I say waving to Jay. He runs to me and hugs my hips. He's to short. I ruffle my hands through his hair . I looked up seeing she is still standing there. With annoyance I sigh.

"May I help you" I smile sarcastically.

"No I was just wondering if your mother is home" She says looking me up and down, she  frown noticing I'm still in my pj's

"No she left to work" I say closing the door in her face smiling in the process. I look down seeing Jay is still hugging me.

"What's wrong bugger" I ask him.

"She scares me" He says looking up at me. I laugh softly.

"Me too"

"Where's Harry" He asks walking to his room. I don't answer him as I wonder the exact same thing as I check the clock its 12:37 he should have been here by now.

Harry's P.O.V

"Harry" Is what I think my mums says, but I don't know since my head is buried into my pillow.

"Harry sweetie, wake up " My mum nudges my shoulder. I sit up on my bed fast looking around the room.

"What time is it" I ask my mum

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