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"It seems like (Y/N)'s going to be late tonight," Kirishima said, carefully peeking out of the window. It was 6 pm, an hour since you'd gotten off from work. Normally you would be home, flitting around the kitchen with Bakugou as you scrambled to make dinner. But neither you nor your children were home.

"But wouldn't she have called by now? Or at least dropped off the kids?" Mina mentioned.

"That is quite peculiar," Yaomomo muttered.

The group looked nervously at each other. What could have happened? Did Interpol come to find you? Have they arrested you? Are they on their way for them? And what about the kids? Have they been arrested too? The group started to panic, clamoring around each other.

"We all need to take a deep breath, kero. (Y/N) will be back soon," Tsu assured

The doorbell rang.

"Speak of the devil and she shall appear," Bakugo muttered from the kitchen. Before anyone could rush to open the door, Shinsou stopped them.

"But doesn't she have a key?"

"Maybe it's Maya!" Mina said, rushing towards the door.

"Wait, Mina—!"

"Don't worry," she waved him off. "I'll make sure to check."

"Somethings wrong," Iida muttered, glancing warily at the door. 

"I agree. I just don't know what. (Y/N) would have told us if Maya's coming over,"

Mina peeped through the peephole to see Oliver and Kya, standing next to a very worried-looking Maya, who was holding a weird-shaped bundle in her arms.

"Maya, you OK?" Mina asked, opening the door. Maya rushed in, Oliver and Kya following.

"Where's (Y/N)? Is she OK? What's in your hand?"

"Not what," she started, suspense flooding the room. "But who?"


The little bundle wriggled around and a small head of hair peeped through. 

It was a child.

They gasped. 

"Whose child is that? Did you steal someone's baby?!" Iida accused.

"No! It's (Y/N)!!"


"What do you mean it's (Y/N)?" Denki asked, almost going into hysterics.

"What I just said. This," Maya gestured to the small baby, "is (Y/N). Also, Iida, watch your tone when you're talking to me. Don't play with me, play with ya mama."

Iida flushed, bowing out an apology. Maya smirked. She could get used to that. The group gathered around Maya to observe the little bundle in her arms. She had soft, unmarred (S/C) skin, chubby cheeks, and pouty lips. Her big eyes were droopy from sleep. She was adorable.

"OMG!" the girls squealed. (Y/N) flinched, her lip wobbling at the loud noises.

"Oh no! Don't cry!" They were quick to console the baby, cooing, and singing. It didn't work, and soon Baby (Y/N) started to wail.

"You dumb-asses don't know how to take care of a baby," Bakugo grumbled, snatching (Y/N) out of Maya's hold.

"Hey! I'll have you know- wait," she paused her tirade, surprised to no longer hear crying.

"She stopped crying!" Kya jumped up and down.

"H-how did you—?" Maya sputtered.

Bakugo shrugged. Baby (Y/N) stared at Bakugo, wide eyes open in curiosity. She was mesmerized by his wild hair and scowling face. She grabbed his hair, pulling hard.

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