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"Everyone! Can we please all gather in the living room for a moment?!" Kaminari called out, his face full of excitement. Today was the day! All of his friends were going to know how awesome you are, and he couldn't wait. He wanted to wait and let you do it on your own, but he noticed that you weren't getting anywhere. You didn't leave as much as before, but you still hadn't talked to any of them since your conversation about your behavior. 

Kaminari thought you needed a little nudge in the right direction, and this should do it.

"What the heck do you want dunce-face?" Bakugo grumbled, his stomping sounding out in the room.

"What's up Kaminari?" Mina asked, followed by everyone else.

"It's a surprise! Everyone, please take a seat. Where's (Y/N)?" He asked, looking over the group. Most shrugged.

"Oh great," he groaned exasperatedly. "(Y/N)!!!!!!" He shouted. Footsteps could be heard from your room on the first floor. Then, you showed up, clad in a tank top and sweatpants.

"What?" you answered harshly, annoyed.

"Remember what we talked about? Well, here it is! We're going to get to know each other!! Isn't that awesome?"

"Woah what?!"

"Yup, you heard correctly! We're going to play a game. Everyone will have a chance to ask the ever-mysterious (Y/N) three questions. She has the choice to pass, but only 5 times, so use them wisely," he explained, wrapping an arm around your shoulder.

"So, like 20 questions?" Mina asked, excitement evident on her face.


Everyone seemed excited to get to know you. A little too excited.

"I didn't agree to this," you hissed.

"Well, you're agreeing now, to fulfill what we talked about."

"I could've done this myself you know. But I'll play anyways cause you won't leave me alone."

"Anyways who wants to go first?" Kaminari asked, ignoring your comment.

 "I'm not playing this shit," Bakugo grumbled,  not making a move from the couch.

While Bakugo seemed unwilling, Midoriya seemed the most excited, jumping in his seat.

"Ooh! Ooh! Me! Please!"

"Alright, Midoriya."

"What's your quirk? Are you a hero? What's your hero name? Where are you from? Do you have an agency? Do you-" your face remained emotionless as Midoriya barraged you with questions.

"That's too many questions. You talk too fast. But yes I'm a hero, yes I have an agency, and I'm from (wherever you're from)," you answered, pinching the bridge of your nose. Midoriya seemed satisfied, a content smile on his face. 

You shook your head at his enthusiasm. "Next."

"What's your goddamn quirk, dumbass?!"

You raised an eyebrow, crossing your arms. "I thought you weren't interested?"

"Doesn't fucking matter. What's your stupid quirk?"

So angry.

"It's earth manipulation and I have a name."

He rolled his eyes. "Whatever."


"I wasn't finished-"

"Well I am, so next."

"Why you little—"

"Anyways, you mentioned you were a hero? What's your hero name?"Kirishima interjected.


"That's manly!"

"Thanks, I guess."

And the questions continued, most of them mundane like your favorite color and food, some you opted to skip, especially when the questions felt too personal. Soon, it was Todoroki's turn, and his question made Midoriya groan. 

"Are you Cemetoss's secret love child?"


"Ignore him. Please Todoroki. You need to give that up!"

"Never. Not until you admit you're All might's secret love-child."

"We're not related!"

You scratched your cheek in confusion. child? The fuck is that?

"Um anyways... Do you want to ask something else?" Kaminari interjected awkwardly.

"What's your hero rank?" He said bluntly, looking you straight in your blank (E/C) eyes. You didn't even flinch, which was surprising, especially with the tone Todoroki was using. The group waited in anticipation, hope in their eyes.


Everyone immediately started to whine.

"Oh come on!"

"This is like the last question, you can't just skip!"

"Everyone wants to know!"


Everyone was begging. Well mostly everyone.

"Probably doesn't want to embarrass herself with her shitty hero ranking," Bakugo smirked, looking up to see a little flare of anger in your eyes.

"What makes you say that?"

"It's pretty obvious if you ask me."

Everybody looked to Bakugo in shock. But the only people who probably understood what he was doing were Kirishima and Deku.

He was provoking her.

Bakugo was just as invested as everyone else, even though he didn't look like it. 

"What's obvious?" you asked, eyes giving him a sharp look.

"That you're threatened by us." You rolled your eyes so hard that Kaminari was concerned they'd gotten stuck. 

"I don't want to be petty and burst your bubble, but I'm pretty sure that you guys count as escaped convicts."

"Even at that," he started, stalking closer to you, "We'd probably be in better rankings. What are you? Top 20? Top 15?"  He was getting closer, right in your face.

"Or maybe I'm too optimistic. Top 50? Top 100?" he smirked, "I'd be ashamed too."

"You might want to watch your mouth." 

"Or what?" 

You glared him down, the shit-eating smirk never leaving his face. You looked around him to his friends in the back.

"What's his ranking?"

"Number two," Todoroki said without a beat.

You looked back to Bakugo, mirthlessly chuckling.

"You might want to watch your mouth sweetheart, cause I'm a whole lot higher than you."

Bakugo's face morphed into shock, along with everyone else.

"No way," Kirishima whispered.

"That's right, ladies and gentlemen. You've been talking to the number one hero of America. Nice to meet you," you smirked, walking away from their shocked expressions.

"So when you try to provoke me, think twice."

End. Hoped you liked this chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment. Have a good day/night.

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