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"you promise me right?" The little girl looked at the boy with her innocent eyes

"Yes I promise you. When we'll grow up I'll marry you and we'll leave all this behind , just you and me Ali" the guy assured her.

"Yes Elijah take me away from them, they scare me!" Her eyes became watery.

"Ali, angel don't cry... Don't worry if they'll scare you , I'll beat the sh!t out of them ok?" The guy hugged her protectively. She giggled in her beautiful voice.

"Elijah , always stay with me please" she said . She waited for his answer but didn't heard anything from him. Soon she felt the warmth going away from her.

"ELIJAH!!!" she shouted . "Please Elijah, don't leave me" the little Alice saw him going away from her "ELIJAH!!"


Alice's POV


Urgh again him... Why lately I am watching him in my dreams? What's wrong with me

"Mam!" Someone knocked my door "Mr Johnson came to meet you"

"Ok. I am coming" I said in my usual cold voice.

I sighed and went inside the bathroom for my daily routine.

Why am I getting all these weird feeling? I know I shouldn't wait for him, I don't know if he remember the promise

I sadly chuckled

I don't even know if he remember me.

"Mam , your breakfast" The maid told Alice.

I saw Mr Johnson coming towards me.
"Good morning Mr Johnson"

"Oh please Alice we passed the formal greetings long ago" the old man laughed a bit and hugged me.

I gladly accepted the hug and smiled " sure... But then what am I suppose to call you?" I teased

"Not this again, young lady. I told you , thousand times but looks like you love to tease your old man" he faked anger.

"Ok ok Adam , I am sorry " I laughed a bit and they placed themselves on dining table "so what makes you come here at this hour?"

"Well there's a problem with the Australian contract"

"What about that?" I frowned

"They are making a fuss with our men" he said "They aren't letting our ships enter the continent"

"But we had talked to their leader" I stated

"But it's changed now , their leader is changed. It's now his son who is the leader their and he's an a$$hole"

"So that kid is the problem" I irritatedley stated

Adam laughed " He isn't a kid young lady"

"He isn't a man either! When we had talked to his father what problem does he have"

" As I said he is an total a$$hole"

"We should do something with that basterd"

We walked out of my penthouse.



"Ok so what's the problem?"
I asked to my friend who is sitting in my office couch and sulking.

"Seriously? You ask the problem? Can't you see 'she' is the problem?" My friend spoke in anger

"Liam?" Elijah spoke in a calm manner.


"No why you  have problem with crystal?"

"Because she's a b!tch?" Liam said in 'duh' manner

" Liam please not again" I started getting irritated

"See.. I can't understand why you are even with her?" Liam got up and moved towards the exit

"Elijah think again.. are you seriously ready to marry her?" And he exited.

I don't understand why no one like crystal. She is beautiful girl. She is good to me I mean she's a model and everyone wants to date her but here she feel for me... Ain't I lucky?

I smiled.


A new story ...Yaya 😉

Yeah this chapter is short but it's just the starting....

I just hope you like this chapter...

Thnx for your precious time lovelies 💕

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