chapter 27

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Elijah pov

I came back from my office, but I couldn't concentrate on my work cuz all I could think was...her, my angel. And unbelievably there's always a smile on my face without any reason.

Or maybe I know the reason... It's Alice.

As I entered my house I smelled a delicious aroma. What's cooking?. I moved towards the kitchen and saw my beautiful girlfriend cooking.

"That's new..." She looked at me and smiled "...never knew the successful businesswoman can cook"

She laughed "oh trust me this businesswoman can do so many things". I too chuckled, " ok now go and freshen up the dinner is ready"

"Ok wify" I smirked and she looked shocked. "I mean.... You are exactly behaving like a wife. Not that a mind until and unless you are 'my wife'". She just blushed

Wait does it make sense? But damn she blushed.... A beautiful sight for my eyes.

I went to my room and after doing my business I came back and saw her plating. I don't know why I just wanted to back hug her, which I did. It took her in shock. "I am hungry baby" I whispered. "Then go and sit the food is ready"

I, unwillingly, left her and we had dinner together while talking about our today's day. After dinner, she was busy with a business call. She got something to handle. She was in the study room and I too got work so I thought to complete it until she comes.

Cuz I can't sleep without her.

After two hours or so she came a little tired. "You didn't sleep?" She asked while looking at me in concern.

"Waiting for you my lady" I pulled towards the edge of the bed. She smiled, "ok my love now shall we sleep" I hummed and we cuddled until we slept.

It was midnight when I felt Alice shivering in my embrace. She was mumbling something. "P-Please leave me..N-no don't touch me... Ahh.. No, Mom save me!!!.... PLEASE someone save me!! AHHH" she was crying.

I got worried, I have no idea what to do. She was having nightmares. "Baby? Angel? Look no one's here... Look at me angel... Hey calm down angel" I was trying to wake her up.

She was continuously crying and her every tear was like a stab in my heart.

"Ahh... It's hurting please leave me" her words were more painful. I felt so protective towards her. "It's ok baby... calm down... No one will hurt I am here... You Elijah is here"

Suddenly she woke up and shouted, her breathing was still uneven. "Angel look at me" I tried to hold her but she jerked my hand.

"L-Leave me!! GO AWAY" she curled herself and looked at me as if I was going to hurt her.

It pained me, she knows I will never hurt her. Her every pain, her every tear, hurts me more than I ever imagined.

"Leave me!! me you jerk" I was trying to hug her but she was fighting back. I can't see her like this, she was looking so helpless I just want to remove her every pain.

"Angel it's me, your Elijah... Don't do this baby, I will not hurt... Shh... It's ok" I hugged her tightly. She was still fighting but I didn't let her go. I whispered sweet words but she fainted in my arms.

I hated it, watching her like this I was feeling so helpless. Unknowingly, I shed some tears. "I never want to see you like this angel, it breaks my heart."


Alice pov

I woke up and saw Elijah, lying beside me hugging my waist so tightly. I very well remember what happened yesterday. I again got nightmares.

"You woke up?" I heard him say, he was looking at e with his concerned expression. "Are you okay?" He got up.

"Yes- I am ok"

"No, you are not, angel.... Tell me what's wrong"

"Elijah --"

"I have every right to know about you, Alice." He sternly stated. "Alice, share with me whatever is troubling you, tell me what's wrong we will deal with it together."

No one ever told me this, I just started him with affection.

"Please don't try to act strong in front of me, you can cry, you can break down... I will never judge you. Don't hide from me angel, it hurts me"

As soon as he said that, I hugged him "today was the day when my mom died...." I took a deep breath " I usually get nightmares, Elijah. I-I..." I can't say a word as all the miseries were appearing in my mind.

"Angel... It's fine" he patted my head lovingly. "I am with you...hmm... Don't cry and don't be sad, your mom won't like this"

"Although your tears hurt me more than anything but I don't want to stop you from crying... I want you to let out your every pain, your every suffering if tears are the way then let it be."

And that's all I needed. I was thinking about my every pain and crying.


Hey!! Umm...yeah I took much time then needed but I am back.

Hah! With emotional drama.

My plans were different with some scenes but I changed my mind at mean time.

Ok I am intelligent. Anyways thnx to all my dear readers for giving this book, time.



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