chapter 33

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Alice's POV

We were hugging each other when I heard Ian "MUMMA!!! WHY ARE YOU HUGGING HIM?" he said with his angry pout.

"Why love? Is there something wrong?" I laughed, he is a little protective of me.

"Mom don't just hug any man like this" he came and I scooped him up in my arms. "And you mister I get it that I like you as you are a really great businessman but that doesn't mean you'll stick to my mom like this" he glared at Elijah which made him laugh.

"So this little angel is protective for my angel" he looked at me, smiling. His blue eyes looked at us affectionately.

Gosh!! This man will be the death of me.

"Yes! She's my mom so please stay away from her" Ian replied

"What if I take your mom from you?" I narrowed my eyes at Elijah's statement. What the fuck does he want from my kiddo?

Soon I heard a sniffing sound. I widened my eyes and looked down and saw Ian's eyes teary with a sad pout on his face.

"Baby!?..shh..shh Mumma is not going anywhere... Baby.." I cooed Ian and glared at Elijah who was stopping his laugh.

"Promise?" Ian asked me "of course baby I promise I will never leave you. Mumma loves you so much" I kissed his forehead.


"We got the excess to the kidnapper of Jayden and Jonathan," Isla said. "He wants Australia's region" She continued as I placed myself comfortably in my office

"So it's Daniel Willam" I looked at her.

"Are-Are you sure Alice?" She said, I looked at her confusingly

"What do you mean?"

"Because Jayden and Jonathan said it's not Danial"

"But then who is he? And why does he wants leadership of Australia?" I looked at her. "Ok leave let's just get Jayden and Jonathan"

"So you are ready to give Australia leadership To him?" Isla interpreted

"For now yes, we can take it as soon as he is relaxed," I said. " Prepare the documents we'll give him his temporary leadership of Australia"

"Tomorrow afternoon, we'll meet him," she said and I nodded


"Mom!!! Look Elijah bought so many toys for me" as soon as I entered Home.

"I thought you don't like him" I looked at Ian sheepishly. Then my eyes went to Elijah who winked at me while smiling.

"I haven't said that.... It's just...umm    Non dovrebbe attaccarsi a te in quel modo" (he shouldn't stick to you like that) I laughed at his words he is not gonna change.

"E se diventasse tuo Papà?" (What if he became your dad?) I smirked.

His toys slipped from his hand in shock with his cute eyes widen.


"What you mother and son are talking about?" Elijah looked irritated "I feel so out of place" he cutely pouted

"Ma tu mi ami di più" he glared at Elijah and went away. ( But You love me more than him)

"What happened to him?" He came and grabbed my waist.

"He told me not to stick to you" I teased as I freed myself from his hold. "What!!?" He again pulled me towards him.

"You can't stay away from me" he glared.

"I mean my baby ordered me... He said it's only his and future father's right" I lied to see his reaction.

"He said his future Father ... See I too got right on you!" he huskily whispered in my ears. I narrowed my eyes.

"Is your romance done?" I saw a guy looking at us.


"Bro! It's you who forgot me" he smiled sheepishly. ".....As you got a girlfriend..." The man who I suppose is Elijah's friend looked at me.

"Mumma! Isla aunty is looking for you"

"....AND YOU GOT A KID??? THAT TOO THIS BIG???" His eyes widen.

"what? No!!.."

"Oh god, I can't--... Since when have you guys been dating??"

"Why I didn't know?? You were lying to me, Elijah?" He continued.

"Calm down Liam! It's not-"

" YOU PRODUCED A 5-YEAR HUMAN AND YOU WANT ME TO CALM DOWN... FUCK YOU ELIJAH-" before he could speak Elijah smacked his head.



"CAN YOU ALL ELDERS STOP!!??" Ian looked at us. "You guys act as a kid more than I do"

I looked at my little precious. How can my kid be so mature and intelligent?

"Alice is a single mother" I heard Elijah telling Liam.

"Oh!" Liam looked at me and Ian. "Yeah he doesn't even look like you," he said to Elijah.

"Oh thank you for pointing out the obvious" Elijah rolled his eyes while I and Ian laughed.

"Alice I've been call-" I heard Isla's voice.

"What the-" I heard Liam coughing. I saw Isla's eyes widen.

Ok, what the actual shit is going on?


Hola! Everyone! *Getting second hand embarrassment*

Umm anyways, I hope you liked this chapter.

The villan is still waiting for his chance to come in scenes. 😂😂

Ok so please vote and comment.


Arcane 🖤

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