chapter 26

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Alice's POV

"Alice? For me please do it.

"Do I have to?" I asked him.

"Yes, of course, I want you to talk to your mother, we can't go to her grave but we can always remember her " he stated.

He wants me to remember my mom today and talk to her somewhere peaceful. According to him, it will give me peace from the inner tsunami of emotions.

So he took my mother's photo frame which I always have and we are going to his secret place.

"You look exactly like her," he said as he looked at my mom, "actually I don't remember your mother's face"

"It's ok... But she was more beautiful"

We didn't have good times but times with her were good.

We both sat in the car and strode towards the destination.


"Mamma what are you cooking?" I asked, she looked at me with her ember eyes.

"Spaghetti..." She smiled, her smile was the thing that gave me the power to live more. "I love spaghetti...and I love you too mamma" she laughed at my statement showing off her dimples.

She says I look exactly like her but one thing I don't have is her beautiful dimples.

"Ok, fammie nutrire il mio bambino" (ok, lemme my baby) she said and fed me with her hands.

"Mamma, darò da mangiare anche a te" (mom I will feed you too) I too did the same. She looked at me with her hearty eyes.

"You are such a nice kid Alice, always be like this ... Nice and kind." She patted my head.

"Why mamma?" I asked as I put my head in her lap. " mio amore, because hurting someone is bad, never hurt an innocent. We, humans, have one good thing, that is, humanity, a good heart..... or we are no less than an animal"

"What if someone will hurt me, mamma?" I looked at her with innocent eyes. "Then I am here for you, your mama will stay with you forever"

"Mamma, I want to go somewhere away. Where we can find peace" I looked at her pale face.

"We will, soon" she smiled

One thing I never understood about her, in every bad condition she knows how to smile.

"Mamma promise me you will always stay with me" I hugged her tightly.

I promise


Little did I know that was the last time I was talking to her.

She broke the promise, my so-called father.. that monster killed her that day.

"We are here...." He said and I looked at him. " go, I'll join you shortly"

I know he wants to give me some time alone. I went to where my mom's grave was. I took her photo and put it in front of me.

I was looking at her for some moments "Mamma?" I said breathlessly. "I missed you" I was quiet for a minute, trying to hold tears.

"I am sorry mamma I know I am the worst daughter but Mamma, your daughter needs you. I feel so helpless. No matter how many people I have in my life, I'll always miss you. You will always be my hero, my motivation. I know I am not a good person anymore understand me... right? "

"I wish you were alive, I miss that motherly embrace which always told me that I am safe and loved. I miss your smile which tells me that everything will be ok, Mamma I want to keep my head in your lap and tell you every little detail of my day, complain about everyone who treats me wrong... I wish you were here. I love you mamma"

I couldn't hold my tears, they flowed and I let them.

After some time I saw Elijah sitting side me. "Hello Mrs. Davis," he said, I know he is trying to light up the mood.

"I know this woman right here won't introduce me to you, so I thought why not me. So myself Elijah knight, you might know me. I am your daughter's boyfriend" he said and chuckled.

"So now you are introducing yourself to my family as my boyfriend? First, commenting as your wife now this? What's going on?" I joked

"Truth to be told Mrs. Davis, I like your daughter a lot and I think we can have a bright future...together..." He said, but he doesn't know what it did to my heart

We both sat there for some more time and went back


Heyy!!! Another chapter... Umm actually I am compensating for my absence for so long...hihi

Anyways I hope you liked it, another emotional drama...

Thnx for giving me your precious time.



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