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" BITCH! Where the hell you think you are going?" The man growled

"Leave me please I don't want to do this!" Alice pleaded

"Fvcking Bitch! You think we will? YOU HAVE TO DO THIS!!!"

"no please .... Noo!!!!"


"What have I done to you!!! Why are you doing this to me why??"

"Because you are that... A whore! A slut! Now do what I say or if I did it in my way.... You won't like it!" The man gave his dirty smirk

"No you basterd!" She cried in his grip

"You dare to disrespect me!? Now you'll see the worst" The man growled



"AHHHHH" Alice got up from her nightmare. She looked around .... It's day time.

She heard a knock

"Regina? Are you ok?" The voice came

"Eric?" She looked at him "what the fuck are you doing in my room?"

"Um... Cuz you called me"

"I did?" Eric looked at her in disbelief.

"Yeah... Actually I want you to kidnap someone... Rest I'll see what to do with her"

"Who pissed off our queen?" He laughed

"A bitch!" She smirked

"Ok what's her name?"

"....." Alice


Eric heard Alice's plan and moved out of her room

"Your lover is way too impatient, can't live without you even a second" she heard a familiar voice she turned back to look

"Excuse me Mr. Elijah knight?"

"I mean he came early in the morning to meet you "

"Oh yes he is...but Mr knight what about you? Do you also can't stay without me THAT YOU BROUGHT YOUR FUCKING FACE HERE??"  Before he could react she went inside her room.

"The fuck she just said? What the hell is wrong with her" he groaned

He hates it. He wanted her time but it's not going the way he wants .He wanted to bring her to breakfast and saw Eric with Alice , Elijah couldn't control his anger and spitted out whatever came in his mind.

I am doing wrong... For getting attracted towards you...  since you came everything is going wrong with me but I am liking it , I am liking every ounce of it... with you - Elijah

Why why do you have to be with him? Elijah clenched his fist

Because you rejected

He left in anger.

"Elijah babe---" crystal was about to hug him

"Fvck off!!" And went inside the room
And slammed the door.

I know I know I shouldn't think about her. But I can't help! She's in my mind everytime. The hell you did with me Alice? Why I am all about you now?

I hate this. I was all fine before she came , happy with crystal

Happy? With crystal?

YES!!! I WAS !!!

keep telling this to yourself you know with whom you are more happy

Elijah was fighting with his unconscious mind. He can't cheat on crystal but can't help and think about Alice. How does this kind of feeling for her entered him , even he is confused.

Crystal entered his room

"Elij---" before she could say something Elijah kissed her forcely.

He was angry, he wanted to forget about Alice and her effect on him.

They made out. Elijah thought maybe this can help but is this that simple?

Lying down near crystal , he was still thinking about Alice.

"Elijah what's Wrong?" She kept her hands on his cheeks

"Leave!" He said in monotone

"But babe what's Wrong?" Crystal asked

"I don't want to fcking repeat myself" he grabbed her hand harshly and yanked it away "leave!"

She shivered in fear. Elijah wasn't like this before. Anyone  barely see him In anger. But here's the whole new Elijah.

She puts on her clothes and moved out, not before cursing him


Alice was on the way to her suit she saw crystal going in Elijah's room , as soon as she opened , Elijah kissed her.

Her eyes were red in anger and jealousy.

You slut! He's mine and I'll get him back.... But before that you have to get our of our life --- Alice smirked

I hate you because I still love you, I hate you because you made me fall in love with you.


I am on Time..... 😂

There are many new ideas are running in my mind for stories but first off I'll finish this one.

So I hope you liked it!

Thank you for your time lovelies 💕

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