chapter 28

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Author's s pov

The man sat in front of two nearly lifeless bodies. Beaten and bruised... Painfully tied to chairs.

"Your queen is doing really great finding her men but alas! She can't find you both until I want"

"You monster, she will fucking kill you" Jayden asserted

"Oh really? But before that, I will break her... I will take everything from her, the power, the throne, money .... Her love and him"

"Why Elijah? He doesn't have anything to do with you" Jonathan Said in his tired voice

"Cuz he's her life" the man looked with his dangerous dark eyes "she can't be happy after taking my everything"


Their Isla was trying to find Hayden and Jonathan as ordered by Alice.

"Alice, we are not able to trace them..." She worriedly remarked

"What the hell!!! Why not!!?? It's been a day!!! And we are not able to find them... Why???" She was angry with everyone but mostly with herself.

"Goddd... Isla, please try to find them as soon as possible.. We can't be late, they must be in a very dangerous situation"

This was never faced by Alice, it was the first time someone came to her base and abducted her men. She was frustrated and feeling helpless.

Jayden was like a brother to her and Jonathan.. Her best friend, the one who never left her side...even in the worst.

My family... They are the only family I can't let anyone harm them.

"And see when Mr. Johnson is coming... Tell him to take him here as soon as possible... Their life is also in danger"

She was afraid.. What if her enemy does something with him? She can't let anyone take him from her. She won't be able to withstand the loss. He is her everything.


Elijah's pov

"No, you are lying!!! You are a liar!! Leave before I lose my cool and kill you"

"Oh, did she taught you her tactics as well? " the female remarked.

"Not a word against Alice, crystal"

"It's up to you Elijah... But trust me she's not what she shows.... She's a liar, a psycho... SHE'S SICK!!"

"Then what about you huh? She gave you money to leave me and you did... For money? Negotiated me?" I closed the distance between us and grabbed her jaw tightly.

She winced in pain "Elijah--"

"Shut up bitch!!! Before blaming others see yourself!" I looked at her in disgust and threw her away.

"Get out" she stood up and ran away.

I couldn't think straight. Did Alice really do that? But why? Was crystal saying the truth? Is she hiding something from me?

I need to know... I need to talk to Alice.


Alice's POV

I was tense, I have to talk about him, Elijah. I can't hide him from Elijah. I don't what to tell him.

My past, my horrible life do I have to disclose everything? What if he'll hate me the way others do?

How can I tell him from the things I have been running from?

I need time...

I was breathing heavily. Soon I saw Elijah coming. He was looking lost...

"Love? What's wrong?" I hugged him soon something hit my mind "where did you went?"

"I was in the office," he said emotionlessly.

"Then? This woman's perfume?"

"An investor"

"What's wrong?"

His behavior was weird, he was very silent and lost in his thoughts.


"You are acting different... I know something is wrong what is it?"

"Can I ask you something?" I nodded

"Who are you?" His words took me by surprise

"Huh? what are you talking about? I am your Alice.. I--"

"Who you really are?" He looked at me suspiciously which made me sure that he knows something which he shouldn't

"Who told you and what?" My cold voice came out.

"Crystal--" I cutted him off "so that bitch spilled everything?" I gritted my teeth.

"So she is right?" He grabbed my arms "why?? Why you did do that??" But I was silent. " SPEAK DAMN IT!!"

"BECAUSE I FUCKING LOVE YOU AND ALWAYS HAVE!! you weren't happy with her... I helped you get rid of that bitch"

"You don't get to threaten someone like that Alice"


"Who are you, Alice?"


Hey! Hope you liked this chapter... Another update will be there soon so enjoy..

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