chapter 32

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Alice's PoV

"That old hag David! He blamed me for this... The pain, the cursing everything infuriated me..."

I wanted power. The power he held , so that I can destroy everyone who made me like this.


W-why a-are you k-k!lling me?" The man looked horrified.

That's what I want.

He destroyed every fvcking thing! He bought the worst in me

"Because you said , for living I need to k!ll people" I kept gun on his head "I am doing what you said 'master'" I smirked and


Over! This basterd deserved the worst death. Which I gave. And I am satisfied


Master , what we all used to call him. His words still roam in my head. That old hag made me a k!ller. I loath him

"You pathetic b!tch"

"K!ll people to live"

"Fvck it Alice!!! You slut!"

All those years I was the ghost of the gang. But I was making plan to k!ll that fvcking basterd

who put the gun in my hand, I cutted them.

Those eyes which used to glare me , I took them away

Yes I did that.... I betrayed my gang leader.

Yes I was the one who k!lled the most feared mafia leader.

My thoughts were broken when I heard Elijah's voice.

"I am sorry" his eyes were red holding sadness. "I was not with you when you needed me the most. Even now I accused you... I don't what I said..I -I .. I am sorry"

"It's fine.... I am fine now" I stopped for a second and again spoke.

"They made me fire without knowing it may burn them one day" I smirked.

"You are very strong Alice. You fought alone but now you have me, now you are not alone. I don't care what you are, you love me and that's all I care about... I won't leave you ever just.... Stay with me always " his last sentence held insecurities

"Of course I will never leave you...I love you Elijah, I never stopped loving you" I came closer to his lips and kissed it with passion.

We poured all our unsaid emotions in our kiss. We were kissing each other as if our life depends on it. He pulled me closer by my waist while my hand reached on his shoulder.

We broke our kiss and looked into each other's eyes. There was a beautiful silence between us.

"So... I-Ian?" He asked with his doubtful face

"Yes...but I accepted him, what's his fault? He don't even know anything. Yes at first when I used to look into his eyes I remember that monster but then his innocence made me forgot Everything"

I remember when I went to hospital with Jonathan that day for abortion


"Are you sure Miss Davis?" Doctor asked.

"Yes!" I said as I was determined.

"Ok but first look at this, this your baby .. right here" she showed me on a screen.

There was lil human inside me, very little. I got tears in my eyes. And I am going to kill him.

How can I ? Suddenly a voice inside me told to stop. I felt protective towards this little one in me.


"He was the reason I fought with everyone. The mother in me wanted to protect him.... When he came he became the reason of my smile, I forget everything when I look him"

"I am proud of you Alice" suddenly Elijah said and pecked me on my lips.


Yes so now you guys read as you like one by one or all at once it's on you... 😂😂

I updated after a long time ik and sorry.

And please do vote and comment.. Thank you guys


arcane 🖤

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