chapter -25

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So any innocent person here? Actually... This chapter comes with warning of  sexual content So.... All the best *for not grossing out*💀


Alice pov

I could feel Elijah's hand on my waist, he pulled me closer. The kiss was unexpected but can I deny that it wasn't what I wanted.

He entered his tongue into my mouth, and his hands traveled on my whole body. I moaned, getting affected by his touch. His free hand rubbed on my clothed thigh but still, my skin seems to like burning.

He left my lips and moved to my jaw and then neck. My eyes were closed, drinking all the pleasure he was giving me.

"Elijah" I moaned when he sucked my skin.

"Let's get to the mansion shall we?" He said, panting after the kiss.

"Someone's desperate" I smirked.

"As if you aren't" he whispered in my ears. He just dragged me to the car. The whole ride was silent. It was because of sexual tension between us.

As soon as we entered the mansion, he pinned me to the wall. "I think I can't hold myself anymore, stop me if you don't want this angel because I lose control over myself when it comes to you"

"You would be six feet down, buried if I didn't want this" I stated, looking into his eyes, trying to tell him that I want him as much as he wants me.

He smirked "jump," he said and did. My legs were tangled on his waist, and we were kissing passionately.

He took me to the bedroom and gently threw me on the bed. He again started his assault on my lips. Then he reached my neck and started sucking my skin.

"Elijah..." I was breathing heavily, my mind was clouded with the pleasure he was giving me. "Damn... You are so soft, angel" his husky voice came.

He removed his shirt, "damn you knight" I said looking at his delicious abs. He chuckled at my statement. He bends down to my level while looking into my eyes

I can't believe I find this move of his sexy. Fuck I am whipped.

He removed my dress and slides it down "Fuck!" I heard him muttering, I was wearing red lace. "Angel, you knew my favorite color is red?" He said while he kissed my waist.

I changed our position, now I was on him. I kissed his lips and then his throat, and sucked it "ahh...angel"

I moved down, to his chest and licked it. I was kissing his skin as it's my favorite food. "You are so good, angel". I was grinding his crotch area.

"Stop killing me baby" I said and turned our position again. He sucked the sweet spot on my neck, making me moan, he then went down to my breasts. He kissed me over the clothes.

Urgh! It's torture.

His hands moved to my back and removed my Lacy Red bra. " you are beautiful" he looked at me and kissed my valley of breasts.

He started licking my right breast, I closed my eyes in pleasure it was a beautiful sensation that I wanted to feel again and again. He played with my left breast and I was loving whatever he was doing with me.

He took my nipple in his mouth and sucked "ahh...Elijah" he moaned.

"Did you like it, my angel" his husky voice did great in making me more turned on.

"Y-yes!" I tried to speak as he carried on doing the same work on my left breast. 

"You are so perfect, angel" and I know I was wet down there. "I see, already wet for me huh?" He smirked knowing his effect on me.

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