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Alice's office

She entered her office building with a powerful aura she holds. The employees are afraid of her but respect her as well. The aura she holds forces people to bow down.

She had gone through many problems in her life which made her strong. But she holds some ugly scars as well, how she misses her old carefree self. She loathes those humans who forced her to become like this, a rock.

She sat in her usual place, going through some important files when someone knocked.

"Miss Davis here are the reports of the Australian contract you asked for" her assistant Jonathan spoke. He is a trustworthy person and he is the only one in the office who knows about Alice's dark secret.

"Ok thanks, and what about our ship? Where are they now?" Alice asked

"Miss Davis, Mr. Johnson told me that as the leader isn't letting them in they are still in the ocean"

"What the hell is his problem?" Alice angrily stated

"Miss Davis I think you should talk to him personally because even Mr. Johnson tried to have a conversation but he rejected" Jonathan suggested

" You are right Jonathan, I have to talk to that bastard" she stood from her place "try to contact him as soon as possible"

"Ok Miss Davis! And you have met in an hour, everything is prepared would you like to recheck?"

"Yeah ok... Keep it on my table"

The busy day goes by and Alice came back from her office.

"Mam, should I bring some water?" The maid asked, and Alice just hummed.

After drinking water She sat on the sofa and rested her head while closing her eyes. Her head was thumbing in pain


"Ali princess careful you'll get hurt!" The voice warned her as the Little Alice ran near the bank of the sea

"No Elijah I'll be fine!!" She shouted back "Elijah look it's so beautiful here"

"Yes princess it is" the lil guy grinned

"Elijah, why can't we marry right now?" The lil Alice asked innocently

"Because you are just 12 now and I am 14, we are kids we can't marry now but as I said I'll take you with me as soon as we grew up!"

" You always say the same thing"

"You always ask the same thing"

They both laughed

But soon their laugh stopped and converted into fear

"ALICE COME HERE!!" The dangerous voice started coming near and the person dragged her

"no, leave me!!!! Please no!!! Let me go!! Save me Elijah" Alice cried for help


Alice POV

I opened her eyes hurriedly examining my surrounding. My breathing was abnormal.

I don't why I still remember those horrible incidents. I wanna forget the pain but these scars remind me of the cruelty of this world me.

Only if I was saved from them. This world blames me for becoming like this, but where were they when those monsters were making me like this? They could've saved me.

My chain of thoughts broke when I heard someone coming in, and I exactly know who that is.

"Missed me?" The voice of a guy came.

His broken angelWhere stories live. Discover now