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"Alice? Can you come down fast , you are taking too much time" Elijah was waiting for half an hour "she's the one who asked me out and now she's being late" he mumbled

"Ok ok let's go" she stood in front of her

"Ok ok let's go" she stood in front of her

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Damn this woman is just so perfect. She can make any man go crazy

He looked at her , stunned


"I know" Alice laughed

Wait did I said it too loud? Elijah saw her With wide eyes

He cleared his throat.

"Ok shall we?" Elijah asked to which Alice nodded.

They sat in Elijah's car.

"So as my mum ordered me to take you to an Italian restaurant.... I found a really great restaurant" he smiled looking at her.

I can die for this smile, Elijah. - Alice

Alice laughed

"What's your favourite italian dishe?"

"Hm.... I guess lasagna.... What about you? You are italian right?"

"Not fully , my mother was.... She used to cook some italian dishes For me once in a while. And lemme tell you she used to make the best lasagna" she smiled remembering her mom but soon it faded.

Elijah noticed the change , He for sure don't want her to feel like that. He knows it's a touchy subject for her. He don't want her to feel sad so he changed to subject.

"Other than lasagna is there any other dish I can try? I am hungry and for sure I want a big damn feast" He tried to lift up the mood

I am not at ease when you look sad--Elijah.

"Yeah there are one of my favourite ravioli, you should try that" she smiled

I want this forever, my love and I will make sure of it - Alice

Soon they reached at their destination.

"Mi scusi? Posso avere il tuo ordine per favore?" (Excuse me? Can I have your order please) The waiter asked.

Definitely Elijah couldn't understand it. And looked at Alice for help, Alice smiled towards him and started ordering for both of them

damn I find her so damn sexy when she speaks in Italian.

He looked at the waiter , and that guy was staring at her continuesly

Look you stupid fcker I know she's pretty but stop fckin eye r@pe!ng her

"Is that it? Or do you want something else mr. Knight?" Alice spoke and he came out of his thoughts

He nodded

His broken angelWhere stories live. Discover now