chapter 29

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Alice's POV

"Who are you?"

"Elijah... Look---"

"Alice... Who you really are? Crystal told me that ... That y-you work for it true? I want to listen to it from you?" He asked. I was silent. What should I tell him? I am afraid, I want to speak but I can't find words.

"Look babe, if someone is forcing you then we..we can find a solution out of it..we"

"She's right," I said. "And no I don't work for the mafia... I am the Mafia queen" I looked into her eyes.

"No this can't be true... Alice, you are lying...please No" he was shocked, and in denial but he have to know the truth. "H-How can you?"

"But Elijah let me explain everything" I tried to hold him but he jerked off my hands.

"NO!!! Stay away from me!!!" He was not ready to listen to me. "Elijah there's a lot you need to know--"

"There's nothing left now! You lied to me... You lied to my family.. Pretended to be an innocent girl, and threatened crystal to leave me!! What else were you hiding?"



I was hurt. How can he say this?

"Why? I thought you really loved me" His eyes showed hurt.

"I do... I truly love you" but he wasn't ready to believe me.

"Again a lie... Stop, please... It's hurting me... You are hurting me, Alice. I can't believe y-you.." He looked devastated. " kill people. How can you be so heartless?"

"Elijah you need to hear me out"


MONSTER? am I really a monster?

"Were you here to kill me? To get the money? Tell me Alice I won't be shocked knowing this. Because that's all you ever know. YOU MURDERER! "


"Not even once you think about those people while killing right? How can you be so inhuman?"

"I am disgusted by you, I hate myself for loving you. You made me hate myself. I HATE YOU!!"

I was hurt and angry by now and without thinking I spilled

"Yes I am the mafia queen, yes I kill people but I have a reason behind it.... And you care about them? Then what about me?After knowing this did you once think how I ended up like this??"

"EVEN YOU KNOW I WASN'T LIKE THIS!! What did you think about me? about the broken me who was lying on the ground all bruised up, crying in pain?.... I was asking for help, asking to be saved from hell but no one came"

"I too had dreams Elijah, I too wanted a happy respectful life.... I was forced to do this and at that time the only way of survival I knew was killing"

"You could have left" he looked into my eyes, his voice has become soft

"Do you think I haven't thought about it? Elijah, I am in a dark world.... You can enter it but you can't see the exit until you die. You will find me dead, the moment I will leave my mafia queen title"

I went to open the door and saw Isla standing there, having worry all over written on her face.

"I am going Mr. Elijah knight, I don't want you to get disgusted by your own self" and I went out.


Elijah's POV

She went out, I looked at her friend Who was looking angry.

"So you got to know?" She said "by looking at her and you, you definitely judged her," she said

I got confused "what do you mean?"

"There's a story behind the mafia queen Alice Davis. A long and painful story.... She's not bad... She loves you Elijah and always had.. Don't hurt her more, don't break her more, try to understand her"

She was about to go when she turned and looked at me "Ask her with the love she'll open her darkest secret in front of you... She's still pure" and went away

I was confused, was I wrong? But she--

I am frustrated now. I think I should have listened to her before saying all those things. I was angry and hurt.


Heyy lovely people. I hope everyone is doing fine...

And I also hope that you liked the chapter. I don't want to drag the story too much.

If anyone thinks that the story is moving fast so please tell me


Arcane 🖤

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