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It was evening , after dinner Everyone was back to their rooms. Alice wasn't feeling good. She knew that he have someone else but she still hoped that he'll recognise his love. How wrong she was , she really don't deserve to be loved

A sad chuckle escape from her mouth.

I want peace and I get everything but not that... Mum! Are you angry on me? I am sorry I became weak, I changed into worst... Don't be mad at me... -- Alice

She came out near the beach to find some peace. She was walking but she felt as if someone is watching her. It's not the first time she's been feeling it since she came here, a wierd feeling.

She shrugged off the thought and started walking , suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder she quickly grabs it and twisted it in defence . The person groaned in pain.

She recognised the voice "Elijah? Oh sh!t I am sorry... I-I thought you were someone!t I am sorry" she touched his shoulders

He looked at her "it's fine"

"Are you okay?" Concern was all over her face

"Yeah don't worry I am fine" he reassured her " by the way what are you doing here?"

"I was just walking , getting 'things' out of my mind" she tried to smile but failed. "What about you? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with your chic--- I mean your girlfriend?"

"I have a girlfriend doesn't mean I should just stick to her"

"Right" she just nodded , after that there was a moment of silent

"What's wrong with you?" Elijah said getting annoyed

"What's wrong with me?" She repeated him

"Why are you being so wierd all of a sudden?"

"I am not... Mr. Knight" she rolled her eyes

"Oh drop this! And Why so formal?huh?" He was getting angry, he is finding her actions weird people may not notice it but he did, he don't know what's the change but there is a change in her , in between them. And for sure he isn't liking it.

"Oh c'mon Mr knight I call you often"

"Yeah but.... I know something is wrong Alice just spill it!!" He shouted

"Oh so you want to know what's wrong? Ok then listen! IT'S BECAUSE I LOVE YOU! I FCKIN LOVE YOU ELIJAH KNIGHT!!! I loved you since forever , I loved you and just you. When you left me I waited for you , I hoped that you'll come and save me as you promised" she continued

"But you never came , I never lost hope and we again met after ten years . I thought maybe now you will complete your promise , maybe now I will be loved by you but look what I got YOU ARE IN A RELATIONSHIP AND PROBABLY GETTING MARRIED!!! I am desperate to get your love damn it" by now she was breathing hard.

Elijah was in shock he wasn't able to take all this at once. Alice love him , he just can't understand it yes he is too attached to her , attracted towards her but love? He don't know.

"But I don't---"


"It's not like that Alice! Y-you are someone I don't want to loose , y-you are my f-friend"

"Friend?" She laughed humourlessly "yeah... Of course....'friends' " she said sarcastically

"Alice , I can't... I can't love you"

"I know" she whispered "I should get going , see you Tomorrow" she fake smiled.

I won't let Anyone take you from me Elijah... Willingly or unwillingly Elijah will be mine -- Alice

A lot happened a minute ago and he can't take it all. He was angry on him, he gave her false hope maybe that's why she is more hurt. He should've stayed away from her since starting maybe then it wouldn't have happened.

Fuck!! Why does It felt good when she said she loves me.... you are messing my mind Alice! -- Elijah

He was sad. He can't describe how regretful he was when he looked at her eyes which were filled with pain. he felt the  pang of pain in his heart.

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Ok that's it for this chapter .... So u in next

Bye bye lovelies!💕💕

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