chapter 30

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Alice's POV

Isla followed me, as I walked out of Elijah's mansion. I was beyond hurt, I never thought that he could say all those things to me. At least he should have listened to my explanation.

But I don't think it's his fault tho, though I was the one who lied to him.

"Alice?" I heard Isla as I sat in the car. "We found Jayden and Jonathan"

"Good... Get ready our team we'll leave as soon as possible" I ordered in monotone.

"Alice..." She was looking a little hesitant "...he is coming today"

I looked at her with a shocked expression. "What?? Why you haven't told me??"

"Mr. Johnson just called me and said he can't delay anymore" he is also right, he is not safe there as well. 


Elijah's PoV

I was thinking about Alice, it's been an hour since she left. I know I shouldn't be tense about her but I can't help and moreover her words are ringing in my ears.

I don't understand what to do, Neither do I know what to believe.

I heard the bell ring I ran to open the door.

"Ali--" my words cut off when I saw a boy and an old man. Before I could say anything that old man spoke.

"Elijah right?" I nodded "Is Alice here?"

"No, she's not here... May I know who you are?" I asked

"Oh sorry dear, myself  Adam Johnson... I work for Alice"

"Oh!... Ah! Please come you can wait here till she comes" I looked at the little guy who was looking at everything so keenly.

They both sat and I looked at the boy, he looks really cute. He has a Lil curly hair, lovely grey eyes, and a cute face.

"Hey, sweetheart what's your name?" I asked and the boy looked at me.

"Ian-" he said with his cute voice yet his voice held confidence. "What about you?"

"Elijah knight" I smiled. "Oh! That's why you look familiar... I heard about you a lot"

"What about me?" What could this little kid know about me?

"You are one of the biggest businessmen. I saw you on TV" This kid is not an ordinary kid.

"What's your age?"  I asked. "I am 5" he replied. Wah! Just 5? Kids these days are so smart. Or this kid is special.

"Are you his....?" To which Mr. Johnson replied. "Oh no I just take care of him his mother-"

"MUMMA!!" Ian shouted.

His mother? Here? I looked at the person he was calling out. And the ground slipped from my feet.

"Alice?" I whispered. I just looked at the scene in front of me.

"I missed you, mamma. " Ian hugged Alice. "I missed you too my love" she took him in her arms and kissed his cheeks.

I was beyond shocked. I was unable to think. Her kid? How? My vision started to get blurry and my breathing was uneven. Many questions roamed in my head.

"A-Alice?" She looked at me blankly. Wanted her to explain but she didn't.

It hurts me.

"H-He is yo-your son?" I asked and she just nodded.

"I think you both need to talk," Isla came out of nowhere and said. "There's nothing to talk about, he must've got things by now... Isn't Mr knight?"

"What new name you wanna give me? A slut?" Her voice and face both were voids But still, I could feel the hurt in them.

But what she said was hurtful I know it should not affect me, and neither  her words should but they are. It felt like million stabs in my heart.

Maybe she means to me a lot, more than I could have thought.

"Alice! There's a kid here" Adam shouted. We both looked at the innocent soul looking at us.

"You guys should talk and Alice you can't blame him fully. If you would have told the truth it wouldn't have happened. A relationship should be based on truth... Throw your fucking insecurities and tell him" They took Ian with them and left me and Alice alone.

"Alice?" I softly called her. "I am sorry... After our fight I realised I should have asked you your side of story. You were right  I should have thought about you, about how you ended up that way. I was angry on you for lying to me for hiding yourself from me. Alice I wanna know the truth now please"

"Why? What's the use now? Why do you care Elijah?" She looked straight into my eyes. "I am a murder to you... A freaking monster... Why do you care  about a monster?"

Her words were hurtful. "Then how you want me react Alice? How should I react when I get to know that my girlfriend is a mafia queen!!! Do you want me praise you??? Still I am here asking you about your story because I care for you!" I shouted.

"My father killed my mother" she cuts me off

Alice POV


"You monster!!! Leave me!" I shouted but this man who is my father was adamant to beat he shit out of me.

I was so done with this. Since my mother left me his tournaments increased. It was enough, I saw a vase near me.

However I got up and smacked it on his head. He collapsed I got the chance to get out of here.

I ran away from my house. Because if not then he will k!ll me. My father... he is  a monster.

I was limping, all these bruises on my body are hurting , some were bleeding as well.

My breathe was getting heavy. I haven't eaten anything from two days.

I don't know where I am but I ran with all the energy I had left.

I fainted in a dark alley and when I opened my eyes, it was a whole new place. People were shouting In pain and others were laughing on them. My next side was where the kids were lying helplessly tied in a rope.

"What is this place" I said.

The kid beside me said "Training centre"


"Training center where the new Alice was formed.... Unwillingly I became somthing I used to loath" Elijah was looking at me intently while my face was emotionless.

"I never wanted to kill people ... No I always denied them...."


"No please I can't!!! Don't...." I cried while they were forcing me to look at helpless and nearly dead human whom they are mercilessly beating.

"YOU BITCH" the training leader slapped me hardly and I fell. "Look at how they are killing them and you need learn it" he smirked

"Leave me... I--"

"If not then you will starve till death... You will do training understood?" He grabbed my hairs and started dragging me to the cell.

"Ahhhh!!!! No please... It's hurting me ..ahh leave me" I cried in pain


Will continue this in next chapter....

It's a double update so do check out next one....

Ik this chapter is so big but... Hah! What to do..😅

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