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Elijah POV

I haven't heard anything from Crystal today. She's here for shoot for god sake! The director is calling me for her sudden disappearence.

Don't know where she went. Fuck she's so fucking useless.

Suddenly I got a call from Crystal.

"Where are you since morning? Your shoot is pending , everyone there is tensed. This isn't professional"

"Elijah stop I called you for talking about us. "

"What about us?"

"I want a break up"

"WHAT? "

"Yes Elijah I don't love you anymore, I want break up."

"Are you crazy? Why so sudden huh?"

"Look Elijah please stop this.... You can't force me to love you ok?"


"I don't care-"

She cuts the call , seriously what the fuck!

What the hell was that? She can't just fucking tell me that she's breaking up with me.

She's fucking done- I'll Destroy her career. I am not some toy that she'll play and leave.

ARGH!!!! I broke vase.


"Oh god Elijah are you okay?" I looked at the voice

"Angel" I whispered, she could barely hear.

"Are you crazy Elijah? You will get hurt" she looked at my hands but I was looking at her

Without thinking twice I hugged her. Her vanilla scent is so calming, I don't know why I did that. But I found my nerves calming down.

I hid myself in her crook "she left me" it came as a whisper

"It's ok.... It's fine, you deserve better " she patted my back. I hugged her more tightly. I've never felt so good, I feel peace in her embrace as if it's just me and her and no one else.

"Don't leave me" I again whispered. I don't know why I said that but looks like I've been holding this from so long and finally said it.

"I will not leave you" her voice was different, a cold one, but I don't care now.

I let go of her , "sorry"

"For what?"

"Just...." I don't know what to say... It was kinda awkward. She nodded and went out. I couldn't stop but think about the pain I saw in her eyes before she went.

Whenever I am  down I see you near me and I just love the fact that it's you... Near me... Just you...and me... -- Elijah

She went away making feel hollow inside. I don't what it is.

I am not thinking about Crystal. She left me but still I don't feel any pain for something.

I stopped thinking about that and started doing my work. We need to go back Australia tomorrow.

Alice's POV

Finally! I smirked ... That bitch left me and my Elijah. She fucking deserve to die for coming in between us but I showed mercy on her ...


"ciao cagna" (hello bitch) I looked at woman who was tied in front of me.

"Cagna... rispondimi ... Sorry you can't speak wait lemme remove the tape" I removed tape and she spoke.

"W-who are you?" She looked terrified , I liked how she's afraid of me.

"That doesn't matter.... What matter is... You... should...leave...Elijah did you understood crystal"



"N-No I won't leave him"

"I can fucking kill you and your family... You know? I can destroy your whole life" I looked in her eyes, she was shivering in fear.

"W-why are you doing this?"

She is pissing me off , I grabbed her jaw and squeezed. "Didn't you get that? I love him and you are coming in between... Leave him and I'll give you money"

Her eyes shined. I smirked , I knew it ... A fucking whore she is.

"I don't want you near him anywhere. I'll send you money and dare to say anything to Elijah I'll fucking kill you"
She nodded in fear.


I sighed in satisfaction. Now he'll be mine ... Just mine.

I laughed a Evil laugh I told you my love , I am crazy for you ... I can die for you and I can kill for you.

I came back in my room and heard my phone call.

That bitch!

"You know I can tell Elijah that you forced me to leave him?"

So this slut is blackmailing me? Huh?

"Before that I would kill you"

"Y-you can't...."

"Oh trust me"

"I-I just want money"

"I fucking gave you...what else?"

"Look right now I am jobless..."


I cut the call. She's so fucking manipulative. I just want her out of my sight.

I'll see her later for now I want to concentrate on my love.

I smiled thinking about him

The things you make me do love...


How's suprise?? 😂😂

I hope you enjoyed reading 😉😃

See you the next day...

(Even in busy days I am updating it's hard😭 so don't curse me when I don't 😌😂😂)

Love ya guys bbye!

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