Chapter 41

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Alice POV.

"How dare you Elijah?"

"I am sorry, I was about to tell you" he was running to save his life cuz the person is chasing him to kill my soon to be husband

"Shut up!" She scolded. "DAD!!"

"Are we not gonna stop them?" I asked

"I think we should let them be" Mason sipped tea

"Mom!! You can't pinch my ears like this in front of my son!!" Elijah whined. "Let him see too what useless dad he got" Olivia shouted.

So let me tell you, Olivia and Mason came to see us, as they got to know everything. And Olivia is so mad at Elijah for not telling her about us.

I sent Ian to his room for the time being. "Mumma" I saw Ian standing in the corner. "When you came out of your room?" I took him in my arms.

"When I heard dad whining" he giggled.
"Mom she is Elijah's mum?" I nodded. He gasped. "So will you scold him this way when I'll grow up?"

I laughed "If you'll do like he did then yes I will"

"Then I won't do anything what he did, I don't want you to scold me like Grandma" he laughed

"Oh my! You heard Mason! He called me Grandma" she squealed. "Oh sweets, you are so cute" she came close to us.

"Thanks grandma," he said and she looked at him lovingly. "Wow mom! The moment you saw your grandson you forgot your son"

"Shut up or I will twist your ears until they come out" we all laughed. "DAD!! your wife is too much"

"Cuz she have you as her son" Mason sarcastically responded. "No one loves me" he pouted and sat on coach, I sat beside him leaving Ian with his grandparents.

"I do" I smiled at him. "Yes you have to, you got no choice" we both laughed.

"Dear! We have prepare for wedding!"

"Calm down Olivia, you are getting too much hype these days"

"It's your son's fault!" She said. "Yeah I know, Elijah always gives stress to my love"

"So when do we have wedding?" I asked

"Next week" Elijah said and we all looked at him in suprise. "What? I can't wait to make you mine... If I could I would have married you today but you see my mum-"

"Damn you Elijah!!! We don't have time for preparations!!!" She shouted and started contacting someone.

"See that's what I was saying"


Author's POV

The wedding day......

"You look so gorgeous Alice" Olivia looked at her lovingly. "Thanks" she smiled at her. "Oh c'mon" they both laughed

"I bet Mrs.knight your son will have hard time controlling himself" Isla winked at Alice.

"Oh I am sure... Maybe I'll become grandma the second time" they both teased her.

"Don't we have the most gorgeous bride here" They heard Jayden coming and Jonathan with Ian with them.

"Wow Mumma! You look like Angel, just as Dada says" Ian spoke. Ian don't call Elijah dad, he told Alice that he'll call him when they both will get married to which she laughed.

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