chapter 20

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Elijah POV

I was walking near my pool side when I heard someone's voice.

"You look gloomy today knight" she looked at me.

"No I don't" I said looking at her.

"As you say my love--" she cut off her words when she realised what she said.

Honestly this made my heartbeat faster then a fucking bullet train. Jesus what's Wrong with me? With this rate I will surely get a heart disease. But I think my only cure will be Alice.

Ohk--- stop! I am being cheesy for no reason.

"Wanna swim?" I said breaking the awkwardness between us.

"Um... No I can't , you swim I'll just enjoy by sitting here" she laughed

Sometimes , for me, swimming is the best way to release my stress. I removed my shirt and just then my eyes went to Alice. She was staring at me. Suddenly feeling of proud filled inside me.

"Take a picture miss Davis it'll last long"  I smirked

"No I love to see Live telecast" she roamed her eyes and finally her eyes met mine.

She's really something, she don't have to do anything to attract me. Fuck! I sound so whipped.

Things you do to me Alice. Everytime I look in those eyes of yours... I feel so special, I feel loved. -- Elijah

We both finally looked away. I am not able to take the passionate stare her eyes give me .... whenever I look into her eyes I feel as if they want me to tell insaid stories.

I jumped into water and started swimming while she was just sitting in the corner with her legs in water. She was thinking something deeply.

I loved how even in silence we are comfortable with eachother.

Alice POV

I was sitting quite and thinking about how my life turned upside down after that one night. Although it wasn't too good from the very first but atleast I could've been a better person. Atleast I don't have to hide my identity to the person I love the most.

I am scared every minute that what if he get to know about the reality and hate me and again leave me? I don't have anymore power to loose him again. I want him with me , I need him with me. And I will do everything to make him stay with me

"Penny of your thoughts Miss Davis?"

My chain of thoughts broken

"Thinking how should I get a handsome husband like you" I teased.

He narrowed his eyes and came in front of me. " You wanna get married?"

"I meannn.... Why not? It's correct age for a girl to marry and I am well settled"

"NO YOU WON'T MARRY ANY OTHER GUY-- I mean no you are still young" he looked at me.

"I am not young mr knight you are getting old" I laughed

"Excuse me?" He touched my Bare thigh made me shiver "can you repeat that again?"

He was making patterns on my thigh "y-you... Elijah remove your hands"

"Why?" He whispered

I know he's teasing me and Fuck it's working. His touch is doing magic to me. My skin feel like burning from his touch. And I was getting breathless.

He looked at my state and moved away after laughing.

Someone's in a mood to play, I see.Well two can play the game.

I removed my shirt and shorts, just my undergarments and jumped into to pool, This made Elijah turn towards me. He looked bewildered

"I thought to accompany you" I moved closer and put my hands on his shoulder. He was looking into my eyes and slowly I felt his hands on my waist.

He caressed my waist which was giving me pleasure. He moved closer until there's no space between us.

"I am loving this company" he whispered in my ear seductively, I can feel his smirk against my skin. Both of our breathing was uneven.

Before we can continue the play we were playing I heard my phone. I moved away from Elijah and went out of the pool.

I picked up the call.


"Hey doll"

This-This isn't the person I am thinking. He was dead.

"Nah I am alive ..."

And I cut the call.... I fucking need to know who it is. If someone's is playing with me they'll have to fucking pay for it!


Author's POV

Elijah was confused for his behaviour towards Alice. It's all new to him , he never felt these feelings before for anyone else. They are so strong that now he has started loosing himself.

The way she reacted to his touch, he loved it. He felt her touch so right, he wanted to feel her more , touch every inch of her like no one did. He can feel he was turned on and she haven't even did much.

"It's gonna be tough for me" he sighed

But both of them were unknown from the fact that there's one person who saw everything. And was ready to kill everyone.

"Alice... You can't be happy... Not after making me loose everything."

I'll take everything which is mine...and you too Alice.


Ok so Lemme clear something. I am editing this story... And these are the edited parts.

The story line is changed a bit... Not much tho. Sorry for inconvenience. Ik it's so unprofessional 😶🤧

Sorry again and yeah please vote and comment down.

I'll try not to disappoint you guys. Love ya 💕

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