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Alice POV

"Do you know??"

"Just say it damn it!!" I was loosing my patience

"That Elijah already have a girlfriend?"

My heart beat stopped. He-He have a girlfriend? He forgot me?.  But he's mine!! My breathe became uneven. How can he?? How can he love someone else?? His love his care is for me... Just me ..

you can't forget me like this Elijah ... You can't... I won't let you you belong to me and I won't let anyone take you from me.

"Alice?" We heard Elijah shouting

We all went in.

"It's fine, what-what if he doesn't lo-love her? I still have a chance right?" I said to herself.

"I will try.... I will try to make him forgot her and love me" she smiled

I am not letting any bitch come between you and me my love ...


Author's POV

Elijah was in his room , Working , when we heard knock on the door
He opened the door revealing Alice

"Miss Davis? You didn't slept?"

" I ... Actually wanted go for sightseeing. I've never came here ... Olivia told me to ask you if you can help me" she said nervously

She actually planned this to spend time with him. She can just hope he says yes

Damn why are you nervous!!?? Alice shouted in her mind

You are a mafia queen... A FCKING mafia queen and that's not how you act!!! Alice scolded herself

"I-its ok if you are busy.... I'll go by myself or I'll call Jayden"

Wait Jayden? That guy? The 'who knew too much about her' guy? Hell I will let them go Elijah thought

Why not? His mind questioned I don't know I just don't like that guy. He looks like a bad company. And she's our guest we have to take her responsibility Elijah reasoned

"I'll come....I mean I'll help.... After I complete my work in office we'll go" Elijah replied

"Really?? oh my god thanks" Alice wasn't expecting it , but she is happy he said yes " Good night mr. Knight"

"Yeah good night Miss Davis"


"So where did you thought to take her?" Mason asked to Elijah while they are having breakfast

"I guess the very popular Sydney Opera House" Elijah shrugged.

"That's not romantic" Olivia mumbled but Elijah heard

"Yes because we are not couples" Elijah rolled his eyes

I am not letting the chance go... Elijah you will be mine again.

I love you like crazy. She thought

Soon they reached at their destination . She saw a beautiful building. They had fun being there , after which felt like two hours, they finally decided to head towards mansion.

I don't know what I feel for you ... But I love when you are with me.. - Elijah thought looking at Alice he felt so happy.

"Wow!! It's really beautiful, I just saw it in TV but never in real, finally" she laughed to herself

"Then you should thanks to me Miss Davis" he Said

"Oh why tho?" She teased

"Seriously?" He looked at her with blank expression which was somehow funny "people these days, I tell you , are so ungreatful" he dramatically sighed

She was holding her laugh

" I left my work for this lady but here she is. Oh what a cruel world this is" he continued his drama

"Excuse me Shakespeare! Would you please leave my way I need to go" she sarcastically remarked and pushed Elijah aside

"What the---- No Excuse YOU woman! You can't be rude to me... And c'mon just say thanks that's no biggie" he said , rolling his eyes

"Ok-ok.... I'll say" She took a deep breath " Mr knight" she came in front of him and held his hand which made him shiver. His touch was literally sensational. "I want to say"

"Yes?" They both looked in eachother's eyes

"I am really really" she continued

"Yes?" He was waiting for thanks


"Your welc---" he stopped "WAIT WHAT!!?"

"I am Hungary , Mr. Knight"

They were having fun teasing eachother. And he didn't wanted to miss this chance , he don't remember when he was comfortable with someone Like this.

He like her....Company.

"Nah! We are not going until you thanks me"

"Mr. Knight I am serious! If I don't eat anything right now I swear Mr knight I'll eat you up and won't even leave your bones"

"Wow chill there lioness" he mocked

"Now can we?" She holds her stomach. And pouted

She really is hungry , and damn cute as well.

Why do you effect me the way no one can?

He felt.... Complete  when he's with her.


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