chapter 40

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⚠️ This chapter consist sexual content ⚠️


Alice POV

We reached to the mansion, as soon as I entered I directly went to Ian's room. He was sleeping peacefully. I went to him and kissed is forehead.

There's something that is going in my head. "I know there's something you wanna ask, angel" I looked at my back, Elijah stood at the doorsteps.

I went to him and closed Ian's room door. "No... there's nothing" I said not looking in his eyes. He held my chin and made me look up. "I know you angel, there's something going in your mind. Tell me"

Should I ask him? How will he react? If he's not ok with it...what would I do?

"Angel? Ask me" he kissed my right cheek, I closed my eyes because of his touch. "Um..I want to ask...Ian.." I couldn't complete my sentence.

"If I am ok with him or not?" He lifted his eyebrow. "Angel, He's my son, I don't care what people say but for me he's my son. I love him so much, and to protect him I can do anything"

"Alice, I love every part of you and Ian is your part so how can I not love him" he looked into my eyes and held my waist. "You and him are enough for me, if you think I'll ever leave you both then get that shit out of your head..." He came close to my ears "or I know ways to make you forget everything"

His deep husky voice gave me shivers in pleasure. "And what will you do?" I asked.

"It's hard to make you understand in words, let's show you practically, love"


He threw me on bed and hovered over me, his blue eyes went to their darker colour, they showed love and lust. He reached till my lips "You make me go crazy Alice"

I forgot to breathe.

"I love you" he said before kissing me. He kissed me hard, he showed how much he was waiting for it. I kissed him with same passion.

He went towards my jawline and then neck, biting my neck. But the pain was full of pleasure. "Ahh! Elijah" I moaned. He again attached my lips.

His hands roam all over my body. I was reacting to his every touch. He opened my shirt and threw it so somewhere and then my pants. I was left in my garments, he lips then went to the swell of my right breast.

He looked in my eyes, both of us were gasping for air. He opened his shirt and pants. I looked at him like he's my favourite snack. "You can look at me all you want baby, I am yours." he smirked.

"Yes you are" I pecked his lips.

"And you are mine, just mine" With that he attacked my cleavage. He removed my bra "So beautiful, just like I remember " he whispered, looking at my breasts. He took my left nipple in his mouth. "Ahh!!" I bite my lips in pleasure. He kneaded my right breast.

He licked it before moving to the other one. "Elijah..." I moaned his name, I heard him groan. He looked in my eyes "keep you eyes on me" he said, I wondered what he ment until I felt his hand on my womanhood.

He removed my underwear and starts rubbing my clit. "I see, already wet for me, Angel"

"Just for you" I let out shakey breathe. I closed my eyes but then I heard. "I said eyes on me angel" he growled.

"Eyes on my when I eat you" he growled. Fuck it!

I felt his lips on my womanhood, moving perfectly, Making me moaning mess. "Elijah...ahh faster" He grabbed his hairs and pushed him more into me. I wanted to feel him more and more.

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