chapter - 23

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Alice POV

"Alice we can't keep him with Mr. Johnson forever. He wants to meet you" Jonathan said

"I know, I too want him here but it's just not possible right now and what will I tell Elijah?"

I was tensed about Elijah, how will I be able to tell him about the precious secret. He won't understand me, things started being good between us, and the revelation will break everything.

"But someday he will know about him" Isla injected.

"I know, but it's not the right time to tell" I will Elijah about my truth once everything is good.

I just hope he understands me, unlike others. Just after a moment, I heard my phone ringing.

Elijah: ma'am are you planning to come home?

Alice: No Mr. Knight, I've troubled you a lot since today I'll live with Jayden.

Elijah: NO! WHY? you are my guest here and live with me. Is something wrong here? Have I done something wrong?

Alice: It's not that, I just think it's not good, you know. I have to stay here a little long so I think you will be troubled if I'll live there for more.

Elijah: what nonsense, I won't even mind if you'll live here forever. I-I mean, I live alone right so I don't mind the company.... Especially yours.

Alice:  I am coming, we'll talk.

Our conversation ended and we bid our goodbyes. Soon I reached his penthouse.

"What was that?" I flinched hearing his voice.

"What?" I frowned

"The rubbish you were talking about on the phone" he came hovering over me.

"Just... You know what if you have a problem with me?" I looked at him, "who even said that?" He looked annoyed.

"See I am just your friend, so why will you keep me at your place for this long?" I said as I wanted him except for his attraction towards me.

"Really? Just friends? Well, I don't go around kissing my 'friends'" he nearly shouted. "Then? Who am I? Sorry, I am not some slut--"

"SHUT UP ALICE! Why do you think like that??"


"I LIKE YOU OK! I like you.... Don't you when where how...all I know is I like you... since you came into my life my heart became restless, you have an effect on me like no one ever had. Even when I was with crystal, all I could think was you and instead of feeling like I am cheating on her, I felt like I am cheating on you"

"I don't know what I am feeling towards you, I am confused as well as overwhelmed with these feelings. I hate to see you with other men, I want you just for me. I don't know what it is I am messed up but whenever I see you I feel like I need you in my life forever. I want you all by myself, just for me, just mine" his blue orbs shows possession, for me, Just as I wanted.

Without saying anything I smashed my lips on his.  Slowly he started kissing me too. We both fought for dominance. My stomach got a whole damn zoo inside. His hands reached to my waist and pulled me closer to him, leaving no space between us.

His other hand reached up to my neck and pulled my face more closer to his. His tongue asked for my permission to enter, and I gladly granted it. His tongue did wonders in my mouth and I moaned.

Soon he detached and went to my neck directly. He gave me sloppy kisses at first, suddenly he bite my skin, and instead of pain, I felt pleasure "Elijah" I moaned.

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