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"When this all happened? We have no idea about it....why?" Olivia was beyond disappointed

"We are dating since two years and I knew you won't like her so I haven't told you about her"

"Two years? Elijah are you crazy? And of course we won't like her I mean just look at her she is a total b!tch" Olivia reasoned

"Olivia, calm down.... Son it's total your life , live however you want but listen to us when we warn about some people, we are your parents" Mason explained

"Yes so break up with her"

"I-I can't , I promised to marry her and in near 5 months we'll get married" Elijah said , dared not to see in their eyes

Olivia and Mason were beyond shock and disappointed as well.

"W-what did you said? Marrige? T-To her?" Olivia asked "and WERE YOU EVEN PLANNING TO TELL US?"

"I WAS!!! but on the right time"

"And When was your 'right time'?" Mason calmly asked

"Soon... and Dad you see mom... she's acting like this and I knew it that's why I was preparing myself for this"

"You seriously want to marry her" Mason looked at him in disbelief

"Y-yes----" before he could say anything Olivia interrupted.

Sometimes I wonder if I've ever been in love.... Maybe not.... I wonder is this love? Or am I missing something?- Elijah

He wants sure about it. He doesn't feel right?

"I am so disappointed in you Elijah" Olivia said to her son and moved towards where Alice went.


Alice started breaking things in her room.

"Ahhh!!!!! Why Elijah why are you giving me too much pain , I wanted your love is it too much to ask?

I am crazy for you.... I would do anything to make you mine.. you can't get away just like that.. I promise you -- Alice.

"Alice?? Baby?" Olivia knocked at her door. She went and opened.

"Olivia? I-I am so---" Olivia hugged her.

"Baby it's fine. Actually I am sorry"

"Why are you sorry?" Alice looked confused

Olivia sat beside Alice on her bed

"You know I liked you as my daughter , the daughter I could never have" she smiled at her "I wanted to keep you , you were so innocent which made me want to protect you."

"I am not innocent anymore Olivia , I am a very bad way." Alice smiled which was fake.

"Sometimes circumstances force us change..."

Olivia's words were so comforting.

"I miss her" she whispered. Her eyes were void

"I know... She must be proud of you , look how you grew up into beautiful and successful women" Olivia's words stopped Alice's moments. Her face became pale and eyes held nothing but pain and hollowness just like her broken heart

No Olivia she won't be proud of me, I became someone she used hate... I am sorry mom! Please don't hate me -- Alice screamed in her mind.

Olivia told Mason to reach at the beach with Elijah they'll meet there.

"Ow these woman are taking too much time" Mason said while laying down on the beach chair.

His broken angelWhere stories live. Discover now