chapter 36

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Author's POV

Elijah was shouting at Alice to stop her madness. "Alice what the fuck is wrong with you?"

He was worried for her as well as the little one here who was taken by Lorenzo's men.

He was helpless and neither of Alice's men are helping, he was getting frustrated. "WHAT THE HELL YOU PEOPLE? WILL YOU JUST LET HER GO" he said to Jayden and Jonathan.

"She surrendered herself we can't do anything Elijah" Isla said. "What the fuck is wrong with her? She is being too impulsive right now" Isla gritted her teeth.

"She knows she will be dead!!" Jonathan said and Elijah's eyes widen.

"T-This can't be.... She-she can't die...No Alice!!!NO I SWEAR TO GOD STOP THIS ALL AND COME BACK OR I'LL HATE YOU MY ALL LIFE!!" He shouted while getting dragged by Jonathan.

There little Ian was crying, he just wanted to go to her mother's embrace.

"Mumma!! Save me!" Ian cried.

"Shh my love, I promise nothing will happen to you. You are my brave baby right? Don't be afraid of them I promise to save you from here hm?"  She calmly told her son.

Then she got dragged by a man. "DON'T SHOW THEM YOUR WEAKNESS IAN!!" She maniacally laughed.

Ian was what her mother said but he trust her so he stayed quite.

They pushed her in a nasty room, it was dark and cold, there was no window or any source of light. She fell on floor while the men shouted " Dear So called  queen stay in your kingdom" he laughed at her.

Surprisingly she was holding no emotions. She was too silent, her eyes held strange yet dark emotion.

"Bitch? Now you don't have to say anything?"

"Non mi interessa parlare con i maiali" (not interested talking to pigs) she whispered in her cold dangerous voice which sent shivers to the man in front.

"Still so savage? Even when you are dieing" He managed to speak.

She laughed at him. "Vediamo chi decide la mia morte" (let's see who decides my death) she spoke darkly.

That's mafia queen speaking, they felt her aura, the power within her, she is really a devil.

Even in vulnerable condition she was , here, withstanding everything fearlessly. Is she not afraid of her cruel death? What they don't know is she saw the worst.

They left her, till they get orders to torment her to death.

"HOW CAN YOU LEAVE HER AND IAN??" Elijah was mad at her now. "Please let's go and save her and Ian ... Please do something I can't loose them, not when I just got them" he was pleading , while his tears flowed continuesly.

"Elijah.. control-" Liam tried to console him but he was not ready to listen to anyone.

"HOW CAN I , LIAM? How can I when she is In danger with that innocent kid..."


"Don't fucking laugh" the man again punched Alice, while she laughed maniacally. "And I would listen to you..."

"You are gonna die bitch, brutally" he grabbed her chin. "Non proprio " (not really) Alice smirked. "Non hai paura?
(Don't you fear?) He pushed her chin harshly.

Lorenzo came inside as saw Alice, "Tesoro , you look in so much pain" he laughed at her but Alice's face still had that little smirk. "Soffrirò fino alla tua morte" (I will be in pain until you die)

Lorenzo's demeanor changes, "Aren't you speaking too much bitch??? You should be begging for your life" he kicked Alice and she coughed blood. All of Lorenzo's men left her. "è arrivata la tua ora, fottuto bastardo" (your time has came you fucking basterd) she smirked.


Lorenzo has came out his bathroom, as he entered his walk in closet the lights turned off. He flinched by the voice of heels clicking.

"What the fuck is this?? Why the fuck are the lights off huh??"

"Spero vi siate divertiti a godervi la vostra piccola vittoria" (I hope you enjoyed your little victory)

He heard a voice. A familiar dark voice.


Elijah's POV

I was helpless I saw my love getting carried towards her death,

Yes my love, I fucking love her I know. I want to spend my life with her but am I too late to realise it?

I want her, I want her near me , I want her in my arms. I fucking hate myself for not able to do anything for her. And that innocent soul, even tho I am not his father, I feel protective towards him. I am so attached to him in just two days.

"Jayden please do something! You can't let her die!!!"

"She won't.... she's a queen, not gonna let herself down" I was confused, "what do you mean?"

He was looking on his laptop  "You will see" and he went away with Jonathan. "You come with us, to the base. That's safe place" I was confused.


I was walking in a big mansion and as the door opened I saw a big room loaded with guns and soon the men, who I seem are Alice's guards, they came.

Isla started ordering them in Italian, they took their weapons and moved out. "You gonna stay here, Ian would be here in sometime"

Ok what the fuck!

I am confused, "Alice, it's Alice's plan... I told you She's not someone who looses" Jayden smirked.

Most of the men left for, I don't know where. I was sitting on sofa, but soon I heard a familiar voice.

"Elijah!!!" I saw Ian coming, he ran towards me and hugged me tightly. I was relieved to see him. He was crying and my tears too fell. "Please save mumma...T-They are b-bad people.. they are hurting mumma .."

"No baby shh... don't cry, we'll save her. She's powerful see she helped you she will save herself too "

"Elijah, I-I saw b-blood all over her.... She was i-injured badly " he was crying badly and after listing him I shut my eyes not wanting to hear my love's bad condition.

I saw Adam, wait didn't he betrayed Alice? "Adam uncle helped me, he is not bad... He helped mumma to but she says she have to be there to fight bad people "

I looked at Adam, "I will tell you everything Elijah but not now"

I want to know about her, my angel... She's in danger, her life. Please I don't want to loose her.


Hey people, a lil late update, um but soon this story is coming to an end.... I don't know if I am dragging it so fast or it's normal, I am sorry if you think the story is moving so fast🤧🤧

I already started writing My new story, as soon as this will end I'll update another one.

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Arcane 🖤

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