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Elijah was busy in his work when he heard a manly voice.

"I wonder what was so important that my son wasn't able to pick up my call last night?" The old man taunted.

"Dad? I-I am Sorry and how are you?" Elijah came and hugged his dad

"I am doing great son, and what about you? There's going to be a very important Board meeting and I heard you had no idea about it?"

"Oh please Mason leave my son for a minute and breath" the female voice disturbed their conversation

"He is my son as well, Olivia " The man looked at the old lady

"Mom! How are you?" He hugged her "I missed you" he said.

"See he is total momma's boy , he didn't missed me " Mason shows fake anger

"Well that's because you don't let him breathe.... Just work and work that's all you know" Olivia said to her husband.

"Ok guys , we can continue this conversation later for now let's head to our home"

They went to the house and had dinner.

"Son! Tomorrow will be the board meeting, you have our full support. Make us proud ok?" Mason said to his son

"Mason don't pressurise him" Olivia scolds her husband "my love it's ok you just have to do your best hmm?" Olivia assured Elijah

Elijah was blessed to have a beautiful family he was the only child and the only owner of knight  empire which is father Mason built . The knights were really powerful Although Elijah was blessed with the family business from his father but he had the responsibility to keep the power the reputation of their business which he did very nicely.

Elijah had a beautiful life but it never made him a jerk or a Spoilt  brat. He is nice , kind and sweet person and guess he is thankful to his parents for bringing him up in such a way.

He smiled at his parents.

The warmth of family is truly so beautiful.


Here Alice reached Australia, she is heading towards the building where the board meeting will be Held.

"Jonathan everything ready?"

"Yes Miss Davis"

"And what about the leader why am I not getting any information about that?"

"Well Miss Davis it's because the leader of the mafia gang is not showing up!"

"Damn it! We don't have time Jonathan, our ships can't be sailing there for rest of the year" Alice get's irritated

"I know miss but I am trying" Jonathan stated.

They reached at the building.

Alice  entered the room, all eyes on her. Well it's no one's fault she holds the damn powerful aura , it makes hard to ignore her.

Elijah looked at the woman entering the room elegantly yet powerful.

Who is she?

Whoever she is , she is so beautiful but business doesn't works on beauty let's see what she got.

The meeting started , Alice felt a pair of eyes watching her continuesly. She turned to look but got stuck when her eyes met beautiful blue eyes. This eye colour is so beautiful and rare shade of blue. She only knew one person in her life who had this beautiful eyes


Elijah was mesmerized by her beauty her eyes , her beautiful ember colored orbs met his blue one's. She was looking at him, he felt a weird pull towards her. Like he met her before like he looked at these ember orbs before.

His broken angelWhere stories live. Discover now