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"Alice stop right there!" Elijah shouted while running behind her

"Did you said something Mr knight? , I can't hear you clearly?"

"Wait till I catch you!"

Yeah now they are on first name terms , it's been a weak and they've been hanging out a lot.... like friends. As they keep saying.

They were actually trying to make a cake and ended having food fighting.


"So let's make cake!" Alice said

"Ok" Elijah shrugged , it's weekend and he is free anyway

"So we'll make chocolate cake!" Alice spoke.

"Oh no hold on , who said that? We are making strawberry cake"

"I said chocolate so we'll make chocolate cake!"

"But I said strawberry then straberry"



"ok so why are we having a fight?" They looked and saw Mason eating an apple and curiously looking at them

"Tell her we are making strawberry cake"

"Tell him we are making chocolate cake"

They spoke together , and then glared at eachother

"STOP COPYING ME!!" They again said in unison

"SHUT UP!" That was the third time in a row saying words together

"Why don't you both shut up!" Mason made 'I am done' face. "Ok any other preference?"

"Vanilla" they said together , forth time . Mason smiled and went

"Vanilla is it then?" Elijah said

"I guess so" Alice smiled

They started making cake, they didn't reached half way when Alice , who had bowl with flour in her hand , slipped. Elijah caught her by her waist but the flour was all over him.

They were looking in eachother's eyes , totally lost not caring about in what condition they are in. After a min they realised what they are doing and collected themselves.

Alice looked at Elijah and laughed "oh my god Mr knight you are looking extra handsome today "

"Oh really Miss Davis? Then why not hug this extra handsome man? Hmm?"
He opened his arms to hug her and started moving towards her

"You won't do it" Alice said while stepping back

"You know me!" He said and jumped on her to hug. Alice douched but he held her hands and hugged her tightly

Now Alice was with flour all over her clothes. Elijah was laughing at her until he saw something was flying towards him and it wasn't something it was the bowl with cream.


It was too late he got hit with cream, and as the bowl was big it landed on his head.

" choose death" he said in a calm voice

Which was the calmness before the tsunami.

"Caught ya!!" He caught Alice from backwards

"Have a taste of your cream baby" and he rubbed his cheeks on her face and now Alice is also with cream on her face

"Mason I don't remember having 5 years kids" Olivia was glaring at them "or is it Two adult people acting like kids"

"Um the second option" Mason came from no where

"It's your fault" Elijah whispered yell

"Wow Mr knight, I wasn't alone playing with flour and cream" she answered in the same way

"Ok but you started"

"Oh no we are not going there, we bot know who started it"

"I NEED THIS TO BE CLEANED!! NOW!!" Olivia shouted

"SHIT!!" They both said in unison and started cleaning.


"How about we go for a dinner?" Alice said.

They were sitting on chairs in the backyard , it's evening time and Alice wanted to go out with him

"So you are asking me for a dinner date Miss Davis?" Elijah mocked

"Well yes Mr knight. I mean you are handsome! Rich! Hot! Then why not have some 'good time' with you" Alice winked

Elijah knows she's doing it for fun but still his heart beat increased when he heard her praising him. He wondered if she really think about him like this?

Does she thinks that he handsome? Hot? He wanted to know what she thinks about him. He felt sad at the moment when he thought what if she doesn't find him attractive.

Wait! Am I getting insecure?

But why? Why should I care if she find me attractive or not

He mentally slapped himself

"Yes or no?"

"Ok get ready, we'll go out" he sighed

His broken angelWhere stories live. Discover now