chapter 22

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Author's POV

" I Said I want him at any cost!! Only he can help me get what I want" the man grumbled.

"S-sir she has tightened the security around him" another man spoke

"Are you keeping eyes on her?" He interrogated

"Y-yes sir but again her security is tight, it's becoming harder to track her every second"

The man grabbed his collar and looked into his eyes, his gaze was dangerous and can make anyone shiver in fear. "I don't want excuses, I want results.... Get her and get him"

The man knows if not now then never. He wants his revenge,  he wants her under his mercy.

He smirked at the thought of it "Alice I won't let you live in peace, you are my toy, you are mine"


Alice's pov

It's been a since he broke up, and I can feel us growing closer. That's all I want him around me, him being with me. He's my love, my life, my possession.

"Alice are you sure you want to shift our headquarters to Australia?" Jonathan asked.

Yes, I am thinking of shifting here with my love cuz no way in hell I am leaving him now.

"Yes, I am sure...." I looked at him

"Ok, it'll take time"


I reached home and saw no one, for information I tell you, Olivia and mason left the day we came back to Australia.

"Elijah" no answer. I went towards his room and knocked "Elijah?" Still no answer so I opened the door but so one. I was about to go when the bathroom door opened.

There he stood in all his glory, freshly bathed with his six-pack abs on show. He was ruffling his wet hairs while his muscles arched. My eyes went to the water droplet going from his delicious abs to his V-line.

Lucky water droplet. Fuck!

He looks so delicious

"Take a picture angel, it will last long" he smirked. "I wasn't looking at you" I rolled my eyes.

"Don't" he warned. I looked at him confusingly "Don't what?" He came closer and leaned toward me.

"Don't roll your eyes princess" he nuzzled his face in the crook of my neck. His intoxicating Cologne was making me go crazy. But still, I maintained my posture

"Why?" I whispered, his touch was doing magic to me. I was so pleasured by his touch that I didn't realize it when he put his hand on my bare waist.

My breath hitched and my heartbeat rose. His touch was giving me jitters all over my body. I was getting breathless.

"Do you still like me?" He asked out of the blue. He bored his eyes into mine.

"Answer me"  he kissed my jaw, and I arched my neck backward in pleasure.

"Y-Yes" I know I was barely audible but after what I know, he smashed his lips on mine.

I was stunned at first but then I reciprocated. We both were kissing each other with the same passion and trying to dominate. My whole body was tingling with weird sensations.

He sucked my lower lip and I moaned "Elijah" I could feel him smirk. Soon due to the lack of oxygen we parted. We both were panting

"W-What was that for?" I asked

"I wanted to do it a lot before.... It tastes better than what I thought" he smirked.

"You are a pervert" I narrowed my eyes

"Really? Me? Angel, it's you who barged into my room. What if I was naked?"

"You still are tho" I looked into his eyes.

"What?" I gestured him to look downwards, that's when he realized his towel is no more on his 'dignity'.

"FUCK! ALICE.... GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!!" He panicked, while I just laughed and moved out.

"Don't worry I didn't see anything"

"FUCK OFF!" I laughed more.

Soon he came out of his room for dinner. There was a silence

"I... Are you sure you didn't see anything?" That's it I burst out. "Stop Alice"

"I can't--... It's.. it's.. Too funny" he looked annoyed

"Why are you so insecure? Is it..."

"No don't... Not a word about that" he glared at me



"your size?" I smirked

"Fuck! You brat come here" he followed me as I started running.

After a min of chase Finally, he pinned me to the sofa. "So what were you saying?" He gritted his teeth

"N-noting" I was trying hard not to laugh. He looked at me keenly, his blue eyes showed many emotions I was unable to read.

And now all I know is his lips on mine. He was sucking my lips, particularly dominating the kiss. He wasn't letting me kiss which made me frustrated yet turning on. He left my hands and moved down to my waist and squeezed it. I gasped, he took the chance and entered his tongue into my mouth.

I am loving his dominating side. He was devouring me and I am ready to give myself to him.

He broke the kiss and again looked at me. We both were looking at each other's eyes as if ready to eat each other. But his phone ring broke the trance.

He growled while pulling out his phone from his pocket. I looked at the caller ID it was crystal.

What the fuck does she want?

Elijah: hello?

Crystal: hello Elijah, I want to talk to you about something.

Elijah: but I don't so shut the fuck up

Crystal: Elijah please--

Before she can speak further he cut off the call and looked down at me.

Do I have to mention we are still in the same position, me under him...

"Ok, so where were we?" He said while coming closer.

"Nowhere... Let's go eat dinner" I pushed him aside.


Uff people getting romantic here 😏

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Thnx for your time💕

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