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I will write POV from now, I think it's easy way of conveying the feeling of a character. I tried doing third person's POV earlier , it was hard tho my style isn't this 😂😂 so I'll be back character's POV.


"SHOOT!!!" The man growled at Alice

"N-no" she cried , holding the gun.

" just Fcking shoot her!!!"

Alice looked at the woman in front of her pleading to leave her. She was lying on the floor

"Please my husband will give you money back but please leave me!" She cried

"Alice Davis!! SHOOT HER!!!"

"N-no....I-I can't" she couldn't come up to kill her, she isn't heartless she is not. They are training her to be like that but how can she change herself, how can she change the heart which her mother gave to her.

The man held her hand and pulled the trigger

"It's your first k!ll, you got so much to learn" the man looked at the other gang member "Send her to the cell again"

She k!lled someone, she's a murderer! How can she? This is not what her mother wanted from her, she became the monster which her mother hated. She is becoming someone which she never wanted to.


Alice's POV

The nightmare, the past , the past where it all started. The past where I started ki!ling people where I've been miserable.

Why do I have to go through this . The life without love. Just betrayal and pain , that's all I have.

I need fresh air.

I went out of my suit , near the beach. It was calm and quite just as I want. But I heard a voice , as if there is someone near me. I turned back and well there's not 'someone' they got a whole fvcking gang.

"So the guess was right?" I said.

"We finally got you alone, now you are dead" one of them said

"As if" I chuckled humourlessly

"We are five people and you just one woman what can you do? Huh?" The same guy smirked and took out gun

"That you'll know" I smirked

They think I am stupid to go out without gun. I am mafia queen and it's my habit to take my baby , I mean my gun with me.

I hid behind a car

The gun war was going on. They were five and I was alone

I saw a guy in front of me I pulled the trigger.

I shooted another member

Two of them stood in front of me.

They were continuesly shooting and i got shot...

"FUCKERS!" I shouted and shooted one ... I looked the other one with my cold stare and he was already shivering.

"How fucking dare you" I said I shooted him continuously ten times.

I saw another guy behind a car. I want him I'll get information from him , but I can't bring him to my suit as well.

I took out my phone from my pants and called him

"Damn Regina it's 4Am what do you want!" He said in his sleepy voice

Honestly it's damn sexy!

No I have shit to do

"Eric I need your help, come near the beach"

"What's wrong? Are you alright?"

"I am but someone here isn't come fast"

"O-k ok just on my way" he said

I cut the call and dragged the man's body to the beach

Damn this son of a b!tch is so heavy

After 5 minutes of waiting a saw Eric with two of his men.

"Regina are you ok? This blood?" He seemed worried. He checked my body

"WHAT THE FUCK ALICE!? how did you got hurt ... Fuck it's bleeding" 

"I am ok just some fVckers attacked me i k!lled them but I needed to know who sent them so saved this MF"

"Sh!t... You should've called me!" He cupped my face

"I did!" I shrugged

"Yeah right" he rolled his eyes "like while dying you'll call me and tell me you are dying"

"I am still alive Eric!" I said "ok now we need information from him.... for now he's unconscious take him somewhere" I said and Eric understood

He told his men to take the guy to the base and get the information.

Eric took me to his hotel suit.

"Eric I am fine let me go to my room" I lazily plopped on his bed.

Um no he dragged me and I was so exhausted , I didn't even fought.

He chuckled and dressed my wounds "I am not letting you go while you are drenched in blood , go and shower I'll give you my clothes"

I nodded and went for shower. I wore the clothes he gave me. It's his t-shirt and shorts.

" Thanks for the help" I smiled.

"You look tierd, just sleep" he came closer to my face.

We were looking at each other's eyes and he started coming more closer.

He kissed me , The scene of Elijah and crystal came in my mind that made me kiss him too, that too agressively.

Soon the realisation hits me!

I pushed him away

The change in my mood didn't went unnoticed by Eric.

"I-I am sorry" We both said in unison

Jesus , I expected him to throw me out of room not this confession

"Your work is done Regina... She's in the basement of my hotel" he said and I smirked

It's time now bitch! -- Alice


Ok don't kill me I know it's a boring chapter 😩😩 but don't worry...

It's a double update

Check out next chapter...😉

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