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"so how's your business is going on mr. Knight" Alice asked him while eating dinner.

Well I have name Alice can't you call me with that? Elijah was a bit dissatisfied by the fact that Alice is being formal to him but after shrugged it off

"Hm it's fine... And what about yours? You must a really busy person"

"Indeed I am" she smiled they had dinner in comfortable silence and moved to their respective bedrooms.

After sometime Elijah heard a knock and went to open his room door revealing Alice.

"Mr. Knight if you are free then can we see a movie together?"

"Wait wait is Miss Davis , one of the great business woman , Asking me for a movie date ?" Elijah teased but her response make him skip a beat

"What if I say yes?" Alice smiled "so yes or no? Look I was getting board it's ok if you are busy"

"Oh no it's fine , let's watch it by the what genre?"


Did she said? His eyes went shock

"What's wrong Mr knight? Don't tell me you are afraid of horror movies" Alice laughed

"O-ofc not Miss Davis , I-I was just concerned about you"

"Don't worry Mr knight I've seen worst" she went to play the movie.

In her comment there was a harsh truth , she just said it plainly as if it's nothing but only she knows the pain. Elijah thought it's just about her parents but what he don't know is she have a long ugly story to say how her life gave her pain again and again until she is broken beyond repair.

The movie started both of them sat on coach a little far. The horror scene came and Alice looked at Elijah whose eyes were shut tightly and his hands were clutching the cushion like if he'll let go of cushion someone will kill him.

"Mr. Knight ? You ok?" She tried to stop her smile.

"Y-yes of course! I just um... Need to pee.." he stopped when he realised what he said he cleared his throat "I-I mean i have to go to the washroom... Excuse me"

She laughed when he went inside the bathroom. She thought of a devilish Idea , she went and turned off the lights of bathroom.


"AHHHH!!!!! HELP ME!!!!!"

Alice saw Elijah running towards her

"ALICE!!! THERE'S A GHOST!!!" He hid behind her.

"There's nothing in, mr knight"


He looked at her who was trying not to laugh. He understood.

"Miss Davis how old are you?" He said, straightening his posture and with blank face , which was still funny for her.


"Miss Davis..... THAT'S NOT WHAT A 22 YEARS OLD WOMAN DO!!!"

And that's it ,She started laughed

He looked at her laughing freely


Oh no damn you creep!

"Miss Davis? .... Stop"

"I-I am trying"

" Seriously Miss Davis you should stop!"

"Make me" she smirked.

His broken angelWhere stories live. Discover now