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Alice was on her way to her room when she heard footsteps behind her but when she looked back she found no one.

Something is wrong here, I need to find it as soon as possible

She went to her room and slept.

The next morning the knight family decided to have jeep ride. It's for sightseeing and as everyone was excited to explore the beauty of Bora Bora they thought it'll be a good idea.

Also Alice was ignoring Elijah. And Elijah was frustrated by both of the facts , about confession and about her ignorance, she should atleast talk to him it's not a big deal . Or is it? He want their moments back.

They all were waiting for their ride when they heard someone.

"Where to...Regina?"

Is that MF is back? Elijah thought

Everyone turned towards the person

"Hy Eric again a coincidence or you are following me" Alice smirked

Of course he is following you! Look at his face , it says 'pervert' Elijah was cursing Eric in his mind

"Who knows? I may or may not be " he comes closer to Alice

"Alice isn't he the same guy who asked for drink?" Olivia whispered

"Yeah and comes out he's one of my business associate's son"

Olivia nodded "oh ok"

"He's Eric Romano" Alice introduced

"Hii everyone!" Eric gave his charming smile to everyone.

Everyone introduced themselves but Elijah was least interested and throwing daggers towards him

"Um Regina I wanted to talk to you about something" he looked at her with worrisome eyes

"What is it Eric?" Alice noticed the change

"Not here, can we go somewhere in alone?"

No FCKIN not ! Elijah didn't wanted to leave Alice and specially not with him

"Oh ok" Alice looked at knight family "I am sorry there's some important work we need to deal with , you guys enjoy I'll join you in lunch"

WHAT!!! no you can't leave! ALICE!!!

Olivia looked disappointed so did Mason but they know she's a busy woman so they let her be and nodded.


Eric took Alice in her room.

"What is it Eric?" Alice asked

"Regina... Yesterday when we were talking , my men were also around in order to protect me." He made her sit on coach and sat beside her "They told me when we were talking their were some people keeping eye on you, they looked suspicious , we wanted to be sure did you bring your men?"

"No.... I didn't actually I didn't thought there's any need, I am here with other family and I don't want them to know about me being in mafia... But I knew it , I knew there's something wrong around me"

"What do you mean?" He looked confused

"As you said , someone's keeping eye on me even I felt it, that person knows everything now. He'll be attacking soon"

"Regina you should stay with me. I am around my men nothing will happen to you" he clutched her shoulder

"Eric, they can't hurt me" she sighed

"But--- ok whatever if anything then just call me ok?"

"What are you? My brother?" She laughed

"Damn no please don't say that , I don't wanna be your brother" he rolled his eyes

"Huh? Why not?"

"You know what if in future you get melted by my handsomeness and want to marry me? We can't be siblings"

"Oh please! Marry you? .... Wait don't tell me ..... YOU like me" she smirked

"Alic--- oh my--- I --- uhm Alice I think you should go knight family must be waiting for you" he changed the topic

"I KNEW IT!!!" She laughed "YOU LIKE ME!!!"

"No I don't---"

"So you don't like me"

"No I didn't mean that I do---"

"So you like me"


"You like me"





"Yes---- DAMN IT JESUS!!" Eric face palmed

Alice just laughed and got out of his room.

Alice and the knights had lunch and they moved to their respective rooms.

Alice was bored so she went to the at the backside of her room for swimming

Alice was bored so she went to the at the backside of her room for swimming

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She was just relaxing in water when felt hands on her waist circling it. He got to know who that person is by the body scent. The intoxicating one.


He was back hugging her

"What are you doing here?" She turned towards him

"Why not? I saw you alone so thought to give you some company" his hands still resting on her waist.

They were looking at each other's eyes. He liked how his hands perfectly fit on her waist , how she perfectly fit in his arms , as if they both got their missing piece.

She was feeling his burning gaze on her , giving her goosebumps and he liked how she reacts to his touch. The woman in his arms right now is so unreal. He can't believe she loves.. HIM?

How you fell for me angel? I don't want you to get hurt ...--- Elijah

he doesn't want their moments to end. He sure wants to be with her but love? He isn't sure

Alice was getting frustrated by his behaviour he says he can't love her but then he looks at her with such an emotion, in such a way which makes her think that he too feel something for her.

She yanked his hands from her waist and came out of water. He called her name but she didn't even looked at him back.

He's playing with her feelings , he knows she likes him and still he do things to make her feel more attracted towards him but at last his answer is 'I can't love you'

I want you... I will get you... I am not to let go things which are mine --Alice.

I am back!!!!!

I am trying to update on time... But my assignments and all it's too much. Wish me luck😩

Anyways I hope you liked this new chapter!😃

Thanks for your time lovelies 💕😁

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