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The knights were waiting for Alice to arrive everything was set. Even Elijah completed his work fast I'm office so that he can meet her. He never had this much of excitement and nervousness for meeting someone. He couldn't understand himself as to why is he behaving like this?

The bell rang. Here she is standing elegantly.

"Hello Olivia" she came and hugged Olivia which she accepted gladly

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"Hello Olivia" she came and hugged Olivia which she accepted gladly.

"Oh dear you are so beautiful" Olivia complemented "isn't she?" She turned to ask Elijah who was looking at her already.

His eyes were roaming all over her body shamelessly. Her hour glass body shape, beautiful facial structure , ember orbs.

Well indeed she is beautiful.

Olivia noticed it and smirked "Elijah? I asked something?"

"O-Oh yes mom! What did you said?" He looked embarrassed.

Olivia laughed while Alice was still confused. "Nothing my son, go call your dad"

They settled on dinning table when Mason entered "look finally who we have here the great business woman Alice Davis"

"Hii Mason" she smiled at him

They were having dinner and talking about random things when Olivia asked

"Alice where are you staying?"

"Oh actually I am staying in my hotel" Alice answered

"Why hotel?" Elijah asked "I thought you have a villa here"

"Actually Mr. knight it's my hotel , I mean owned by me so I didn't saw the need to buy a villa or penthouse here. I mean why waste money"

Mason laughed "finally I got a daughter" to which Elijah made face

"Sorry?" Alice looked confused

"Oh nothing Alice actually you and I have same thinking and this son of mine and his mother are totally opposite, which makes me feel alone so now I got you" Mason said and everybody laughed except Alice she just smiled.

Alice was feeling great being with them. How she wished she could feel this family' warmth but all she got were scars. Family is suppose to protect you but her family became the biggest monster in her life.

She heard her phone ring , she excused herself

"Yes Adam?"

"For how many days I need to keep up with this?"

"As long as I am sure there's no danger around me"

"Fine!! But what should I answer him?"

"Just say I'll be there after a month"

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