Chapter 39

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Alice POV

I am tensed, I want him to be fine. I swear if anyone even lay a finger on him I will fucking kill the person in worst way!

I could feel my eyes turning teary.

I love you Elijah please be safe, I can't imagine my life without you.

"Alice!!! We got the location!" Jayden came

"Ok get some of my men ready, we'll go there" I said while moving out of my office.

"Mumma!!" I heard a sleepy voice. "Where's is Elijah? It's already night, he promised to cook my favourite pizza" he pouted.

"He's in office. I am going to take him, you go and sleep tomorrow for sure we all will cook pizza together" I patted his head lovingly. 


I reached the location, it's a.... jungle. I sent some of my men to the other side and some were with me. After a minute or so I saw some light coming from an area.

And then something unbelievable came to my sight.

What is this place?

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What is this place?

"Angel" I heard his voice. Yes it's him. "Elijah you are ok?" My vision hot blurry and jumped on him and hugged him tightly as if my life depends on it.

"I was so scared... I thought...I thought something bad will happen to you... I..." I was rambling but it stopped when I felt his lips on mine.

It didn't took me a second to respond him. This kiss showed my all vulnerability I went through when I didn't had him beside me. For minutes, I forgot everything. It was just me and him.

"It was actually a suprise for you, I wanted to suprise you..."

"Wait so you weren't kidnapped?" I narrowed my eyes. "Ummm...Nope" he smiled sheepishly.

I punched his face not too hard, but hard enough to let him know I am hurt by his action.

"Why the fuck you did that?" I clenched my jaws. "You think it's fine to play this kind of prank? YOU KNOW HOW SCARED I WAS"

"I am sorr-" he looked guilty. "SHUT UP!" I hugged him again. "I hate you" I sniffed.

He laughed "I know" The audacity of this man. I punched him again "Don't laugh!"

"GIRL!!" I heard Isla.

Wtf is she doing here. Then I saw Jayden and Jonathan as well hiding behind a tree.

His broken angelWhere stories live. Discover now