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Author's POV

"vediamo chi ti salva adesso" (let's see who saves you) the voice was dangerous. Lorenzo squinted his eyes and Saw a shadow coming in his way.

"Alice?" He whispered.

"No bitch your death" she sat on chair in front of her, looking at him daringly. "What do take me as Lorenzo?A naive girl?" She laughed while his face was pale.

"How the fuck are you out? GUARDS!!" he shouted. she rolled her eyes "So you still didn't get it did you? You are trapped Lorenzo" she smirked .


"Shhh!!! Lower your god damn fucking voice!" She said, "lemme tell you where you made a mistake "

"Your mistake started when you thought you can threaten my man.. Johnson "


"Regina! Why Adam isn't letting me meet Ian, have you not told him about me?" Eric called Alice as the guards haven't let him meet Ian.

"Of course I did! He knows you, I'll let him know" she cuts the call. He was out of the mansion, guards were all over the place but something wasn't right. "Cosa c'è che non va capo" (What's wrong boss?) Eric's man asked.

"Non sono i suoi uomini" (They are not her men) he pointed some men around the Mansion. "What are you saying boss? How are you so sure?"

"Look at their arms..." He pointed "there's a same tattoo on every men's hand and 'The rebels' don't have any"

"Fuck! They are mixed in her men, We should tell Queen!" His man said. "We will, but before we should know what actual fuck is going here"

He disguised himself as a dilevery man and went in. "Hey boy!! Where are you going?" One of  man asked. "Ehm... C'è un pacco, Sono qui per consegnarlo" (There's a package, I am here to deliver it)

"Hello, sir Adam is there any package you ordered--" Eric snatched the phone and said "Romano here, sir I told you about your package sent by Regina"

"Yes yes... Guards let him in"

"Sir your package, sign this paper pls" he said as he saw some suspected men around them. "I know you are trapped, I'll let Queen know" he mumbled

While Adam wrote something on paper.


"Queen! Lorenzo is alive! He is threatening me... My family is in danger, I am being tracked." The letter she got between the file sent from Italy.

"Fucking shit!!! My son!!"


"Must say! You played good but forgot with Whom your playing " she smirked. "To keep my son safe and Adam, I told him to play along. Even in the kidnapping of Jonathan and Jayden"

"I admit you took me off guard when you kidnapped my son and Elijah, but you know what, I am queen for a reason"

Before he could know he was tied and men all around him. "FUCKING SHIT!! LEAVE ME YOU SLUT!" He tried to get away

"HELLO BITCHES!!" Isla entered. "Ow! Look who we have in trap" she mocked him "oh and baby your men are all dead and gone"


"Isla... If anything happens, I want you to come and find me, Adam knows everything. Listen to him" Isla remembered her words.

Means she knew.....

His broken angelWhere stories live. Discover now