chapter 34

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Elijah's POV

"So she is an m-mafia queen? T-That one w-who kills people?" We told Liam the truth about her being mafia queen.

"Yes," I said

"Then why are you still alive?"  Liam was still shocked

"Because I love him" she sat beside Liam but he jumped from the sofa.

"AhhhhI mean hah! I should sit with Elijah" we all laughed at him. "Are you afraid of her?" Isla smirked.

"N-Not really but.... E-Elijah why your love is so dangerous?" He stuttered. "You said something, Liam?" Alice fake glared. But this scaredy cat got more scared.

"Alice... Angel stop!"

"ANGEL??? Isn't she the devil in disguise?"

"I heard you Liam" she replied. "Angel stop scaring him he's already shivering"

"Is it my fault that this friend of yours is afraid of me?" She came beside me and nuzzled my neck while hugging my waist.

"Goshh!! I am not here to see my friend romancing a mafia"

"That mafia is his girlfriend!" Isla shouted. "So give them space!" She went away Liam too went to the guest room.

It's his second home, he always crashes here. He has his even own room here.

Alice and I were cuddling. I was caressing her hairs


"Hmm?" She hummed.

"Where is your son?" I asked. "He is sleeping with Adam, he wanted to sleep with me but he slept there."

"Angel... Actually... How about" I wanted to speak but I was nervous

"What is Elijah?" She looked at me with her ember eyes.

Her eyes show nothing but love for me.

That's all I need.

"How about we marry?" I let it out. I know I want a future with. I am damn sure I want to stay with her forever. She is what I need. I know if not her then no one else. I know she is the one for me. And....

"I--" before I could say further Isla interrupted.

"Alice I need to talk to you"


Author's POV

"Let's go boys, your queen must be coming" The man smirked.

"You fucking bastard! I'll kill you! I know what you want... If she found you I swear to god you won't be fucking breathing" Jayden shouted.

"Alice is not someone who loose!" Jonathan added.

"But here she will! What's important to be a mafia leader? Be heartless even if those people are your blood" he gritted his teeth.


Alice's POV

Isla looked at me when we reached her room "we need to go" she said.

"It's time now.... He called us at 12, our team is ready also the papers" I nodded.

I came out to see Elijah, think he heard everything.

"Alice!... I-uh! Y-You are going somewhere?"

"Elijah... actually Jayden and Jonathan are kidnapped by someone he also is behind Ian and you. We need to deal with it"

He was concerned, I could see on his face

"Love, I will be back..hmm will you take care of my Ian till then? Also, take care of yourself... I love you"


Soon we reached the place the person called us. This place was an abundant road, with no one around just barren lands around it.

Suddenly 3 cars start to come. They stopped just in front of us. A person came out, it was hard to see his face

Then I heard a voice

This voice....

"Baby girl"

It's familiar.... No.... No, it can't be. The person was standing in dark, suddenly memories start to come into my mind.

"I hope you remember me, baby girl, and how not you have Ian as my souvenir"


He came near, his face was clear now. I was beyond shocked.

He was dead. How is he alive? I killed him. It can't be possible.

I could all those worst memories around my head. But I can't be weak, and how does he know about Ian?


Double update dears.....

Check out the other one.....

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