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⚠️ warning ⚠️

This chapter contains sensitive Scenes , read on your own risk


Alice pov

At night , I went to the base where Eric kept that man.

"So any info?" I asked to Eric

"He is so stubborn, we tortured him a lot but he isn't ready to spit a word" He said

I just nodded and went inside the man was full of bruises and he was tied to a chair.

"I found out that you are giving a hard time to my people" I sat in front of him

"So you are here to try me? Leave queen you won't get any information from me" he smirked

"Oh is it?" I motioned the man standing beside him , he took his hand and put them on table "I am not going to k!ll you that you might know so there's no way I am threatening you with that but.... I can show you the worst."

I took knife and cut his finger he shouted in pain

"This is nothing! Now are you telling me or I should cut your whole body and leave you alive more like good for nothing" I smirked

He was still groaning in pain , the blood was oozing out.

"I-I will tell you.... We all were sent by Daniel willam he's the younger brother of Michele Willam"

"So the family is now playing revenge game huh?" Eric interpreted

I nodded and went out with Eric

"Why no one knows about him?" He added

"Because he's not the legitimate child of Willam" I said

"How do you know?"

"How can I not know the information of any gang? I am the queen afterall" I looked at him "but I never knew he will try to take revenge on me"

"Why not?"

"Because he wasn't into this mafia world. I think he wants the property and power now"

"He is idiot when he couldn't take it from his brother he thinks he will take it from queen?" Eric laughed

"Stupid people die early because of their stupidity"

"Now what should we do about the man?"

"K!ll him .... We got what we want"

"Finally I got to know why people say you are heartless , you really don't show mercy on your enemies.... The stunt you pulled inside damn woman I like you more now!"

We laughed


Elijah's POV

"Won't you welcome me Mr knight?" I heard familiar voice making me groan in irritation.

"What part of 'don't disturb me' you didn't get?" I said

"C'mon sweetheart I bought lunch for you" she smiled.

"Just don't disturb me!! Is it too much to ask?" I frowned.

"No of course not"

I don't know what to do with these employee sometimes they just become so careless.

"Ok what's the matter?" Alice asked, she looked concerned

"None of your business"

"Well exactly but a lil bit help won't hurt you ,my love"

"STOP CALLING ME THAT!" I know I shouldn't have shouted but when she calls me 'my love' this wierd feeling makes home in my heart which I don't know how to deal with.

"ok -ok chill" she raised her hand , giving up "but still I can help you know I am a business woman"

I thought it's nothing wrong taking her help, and she is a wonderful businesses woman as well.

"Ok" i nodded.

Alice came towards me and looked at the presentation. She started correcting them and telling me what's wrong in data.

But I was concentrated on our closeness. I never felt so good by anyone's closeness I was just looking at her, not giving damn about what she is saying.

Her wavy hair were open , freely flying. Her dress was clutching her body showing off her beautiful figure , her ember orbs were mesmerizing , my eyes then moved to her lips they were moving indicating that she is saying something but for me as if they are calling me to kiss the life out of her.

Oh fck it!!

You are becoming a creep Elijah you know?

I never checked out a woman like this, but Alice was having a totally different effect on me. Even I don't know what's wrong.

"That's it Mr knight thanks me later" she said making him coming out of my reverie "I have to go somewhere urgently but finish your lunch see you later baby" she smirked

Damn this woman!


Hope you liked it!

These days I am not getting the inspiration.... I am writing shit 😭🤧 sorry too much emotional drama *Ahem*

So thanks for reading ❤️❤️

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See you next time lovelies 💕💕

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